Exercise As Medicine with Amy Shafer

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Hi friends! In today’s episode, I’m joined by my friend, Amy Shafer. Amy is a Certified Personal Trainer, a Cancer Exercise Specialist, the Fitness Manager at UT Medical Center, and the Chair of the Wellness Council for the employees of the medical center. Today, she is sharing her knowledge and expertise around the idea of Exercise as Medicine with practical advice that you can start applying to your health journey today! Listen to the full episode below or wherever you listen to podcasts.


Questions you will find in this episode:

So, I talk a lot about food as medicine and how we can help our bodies heal and function properly through what we eat and how we live. Tell us a little about this idea of “exercise as medicine” and some of the medical benefits of regular exercise as well as the “real life” or lifestyle benefits. 

There are some very common reasons people seem to struggle with consistent exercise - one major one is time and working exercise into an already busy schedule. Can you give us some practical tips on ways to work exercise into our day-to-day lives? 

Another common obstacle or hesitation for exercise right now is this pandemic we are in, which comes with a whole list of fears and concerns about the gym, being around other people, wearing a mask while working out, etc. What are some ways that we can work around or through these concerns?

What are some of the other common obstacles you see for people when it comes to exercising regularly and what advice do you have for them to overcome those obstacles?


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