What to Focus on to Improve Your Health in the New Year

In today’s episode, I want to share what I believe to be a few of the most effective ways to truly improve your health in the new year.

Hi, friends, and Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and made some great memories. We had a sweet Christmas this year and really soaked up our last Christmas together as a family of three. We have a lot of new and exciting things coming up this new year, so I loved a little quiet downtime before all of that. Now, we’re switching gears and getting into that time of year when people are a little more focused on their health and often setting some new goals for themselves, so today, I want to share what I believe to be a few of the most effective ways to really improve your health in the new year. 


Have you already set your goals for 2023? Most of the time when people, especially women, set goals for themselves, they include some kind of health-related goal. Often it can be related to weight or something about their bodies that they’re wanting to change. I love goal setting and think that when done in a healthy way, it can be really helpful and effective, but one thing that I’ve noticed working with women on their health, is that they often don’t really know what to focus on or they find themselves focusing on something that’s kind of arbitrary and often just leaves them frustrated and burnt out after a few weeks. If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you know that I don’t love focusing on weight as a goal because weight is affected by so many things and a healthy weight doesn’t follow a perfect, easy formula, which leaves most women feeling frustrated. It’s also possible to lose a lot of weight and still be really unhealthy - not to mention how it can negatively affect body image and mental/emotional health. So, if focusing on weight isn’t a good idea, what should you focus on if you are really wanting to see improvements in your health? Well, I’m glad you asked because I have a few thoughts to share with you on that. :) 

Stabilize your blood sugar

The first area I believe should be prioritized is stabilizing your blood sugar. I talk about blood sugar a lot on this podcast and when working with my clients because it affects so many things in the body. Every cell in your body is dependent on glucose for energy and it fuels many functions of the body, but when it becomes dysregulated it can increase your risks for heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, immune system dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, nerve damage, metabolism issues, decreased brain health, and so much more. It’s not something to ignore and can lead to serious health issues, yet many, many people walk around with very unstable blood sugar levels and don’t think much about it. You may not even know that you have dysregulated blood sugar but you may be more familiar with some of the common symptoms such as mid-day energy crashes, headaches, irritability, weight gain or difficulty losing weight, slow wound healing, skin issues, fatigue, dizziness, irregular menstrual cycles, fertility challenges, and more. 

Untreated blood sugar dysregulation can contribute to insulin resistance - a condition where the cells of the body become desensitized to insulin, leading the pancreas to produce more and more insulin in order for the cells to respond and be able to take in the needed glucose. This leads to high levels of both insulin and glucose in the body, which also leads to increased fat storage, blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. These dysfunctions within the body lead to an increased risk for heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, and just overall increased damage to the body. 

So you can see how this one area of your health that may seem like not a big deal can actually affect your health in really negative ways or when managed well can create a solid foundation for better overall health. 

I have a few other episodes about ways to improve blood sugar regulation, so I’m not going to go deep into that in this episode - go listen to episode 17 or check out my online course if you are looking for more info on how to do this. I also have a brand new resource that is a great tool for anyone, but especially anyone working on blood sugar regulation. You can download my new Healthy Eating Food Formula Guide for free on my website or in my Instagram bio. It gives you the exact formula to follow to create any meal or snack that will support blood sugar balance while also leaving you feeling full without energy crashes or cravings. My favorite thing about this new guide is that it gives you the tools to create healthy meals on your own, with the foods that you enjoy rather than giving you a strict regimen of foods to eat that leave you feeling dissatisfied and bored. Download the Healthy Eating Food Formula Guide here.

I could talk about blood sugar all day, but let’s move on! 

Improve your Gut Health 

The next area that I believe should be prioritized and will have one of the largest impacts on your overall health is prioritizing gut health. Is anyone surprised by this? Probably not! :)

You have heard me say this many times but you cannot have poor gut health and optimal overall health. It’s just not possible! The gut affects everything in the body - some areas are obvious like digestion and metabolism but a lot of areas that you may not think of, like mental health - depression, anxiety, mood imbalances; skin health - allergies, sensitivities, acne, eczema; immune health and autoimmunity; hormone health - hormonal conditions and imbalances, reproductive health and fertility; weight management and ability to regulate weight; even genetic patterns that can affect your kids and their kids. It’s unlikely to think of an area of health or function of the body that isn’t either directly or indirectly affected by gut health. 

So how do you know if your gut health needs attention or to be improved? Well if you’re breathing and haven’t already taken time to focus on improving your gut health, then this is most likely something that you can benefit from. Our “guts' ' run from our nose/mouth all the way through our digestive tract to the other end of us. It houses the majority of our microbiome - an ecosystem made up of trillions of microbes, including different viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other organisms. Studies have proven that there are more of these microbes in our bodies than human DNA cells - isn’t that insane? Just like in any other ecosystem, there needs to be a balance of the types of microbes within our microbiome. Some are more beneficial and some are more opportunistic and can lead to dysfunction within the system when there is an imbalance (also called Dysbiosis). Our current lifestyles of processed foods, excessive sugar, chronic stress, lack of sleep, lack of nutrients - especially B vitamins and vitamin D, and increased usage of meds like antibiotics, oral contraceptives, and antacid/PPI meds all have detrimental effects on that balance and often wipe out the good or beneficial microbes, allowing the pathogenic or opportunistic ones to thrive. Even some things completely out of our control like how we were birthed and fed as babies can trigger an imbalance in our microbiome. 

When this imbalance occurs, it can lead to all kinds of uncomfortable symptoms that you may be familiar with: gas, bloating, constipation/diarrhea, abdominal pain, unexplained weight gain/loss, mood imbalances, brain fog, skin issues like acne or eczema, chronic yeast infections, hormonal imbalances, infertility. When left untreated dysbiosis can eventually contribute to more serious conditions that I mentioned above. 

The concept of improving your gut health may feel overwhelming or daunting but it really isn’t. Following the functional medicine protocol allows you to calm and heal any inflammation of the gut while also supporting the rebalancing of the microbiome. Working with a professional trained in gut health who can lead you through the process will make it even more simple. 

The last area of health that I want to talk about today may feel like a super simple one but it’s one that makes such a huge difference and that is…

Move your body

Moving your body. I know - exercise is something that every health professional talks about and tons of fitness programs are built on, and yet it’s something that a lot of us just overlook. Even knowing all of the benefits of moving my body, it’s always been a struggle for me to be consistent in exercising, but it’s also been one of the biggest “needle movers” for me. Not just in a weight goal or something like that, but regularly moving your body is one of the most effective ways to improve both your blood sugar balance and your gut health! It’s part of the “S” triad (Sweat -or moving your body, sleep, and stress management) that is included in my course - Move Forward, Feel Better (more on that later). I chose to focus on the “Sweat” portion of that triad here because exercise is one of the ways to improve sleep and help the body deal with stress. 

Exercise has just so many benefits. As I already mentioned it helps improve gut health and support healthy blood sugar - which if you remember affects most systems and functions of the body - but let’s just highlight a few benefits like increased energy, increased happiness, improved mood, improved detoxification, improved digestion, and gut motility, increased cardiovascular endurance and overall strength which leads to fewer injuries, improved immune response, improved mental clarity and an overall better outlook on life. 

We all need to be prioritizing moving our bodies each day for at least 10-15 minutes and building up to a longer amount of time. The beautiful thing about exercise is that it can look so many different ways. You can totally customize it to your preferences and schedule. Just make sure to prioritize it and have some accountability for it. You can find a lot more ideas and information on exercise in episodes 15, 46, 53, and 87. I’ll link to those in the show notes. 

So there you have it - three areas that I believe have the biggest impact on your overall health. If you’re looking to actually improve your health in 2023 and take action that has positive effects on your health and makes a lasting difference, I encourage you to focus on these three areas. Most likely whatever area of your health that you are wanting to improve or change will be positively affected and improved.

As a resource to help you know how to focus on these areas that I’ve talked about today, I’m offering 30% off of my Move Forward, Feel Better Course that walks you step-by-step through the process of how to stabilize blood sugar, improve gut health, prioritize those lifestyle factors that I mentioned like sleep, stress, and movement, as well as module all about having a healthy mindset and setting optimal health goals for yourself that will actually lead you to success. It’s a 4-module course that you can do at your own pace that fits your schedule and includes downloadable worksheets to help you apply what you learn to your life and health. For the next two weeks only, you can purchase the course for 30% off making it only $55! That’s the price of one nice meal out or a new sweater at your favorite boutique. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn the tools you need to improve your health! 

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Listener Question Mini-Series: What Are Your Recommendations for Exercise?

Today’s episode is the second one of our summer mini-series where I’m answering your questions! In this episode, we talk about exercise recommendations for women and how we can make exercising consistently work for us!

Hi friends! Today is the second episode of our summer mini-series where I’m answering your questions and talking about topics that you want to discuss. A few weeks ago I reached out on Instagram and asked what questions you had for me. Y’all had quite a few questions about exercise, so today I’m going to answer those! Let’s get into it! 


Exercise is something that we all have heard is good for us and know that we would be better off doing, but it’s also something that I often get questions about - specifically how much and what kind of exercise is best.

That’s exactly what a few of you asked and then also a bit more of a specific question - “Are cyclical exercises good for women?”

So let’s talk about basic recommendations first. 

General Exercise Recommendations:

The ACSM, WHO, and AHA- basically all the overseeing medical organizations - recommend at least 150 minutes of structured exercise per week. This definition of exercise is an increase in energy expenditure and elevated heart rate for a sustained amount of time. This can be broken up however best fits your life and schedule. For example - you could choose to do 30 minutes a day, 5 days per week, 20 minutes per day, 7 days per week, or even 1 hour per day, 3 days per week. You can really choose any combination that works for you as long as you are hitting at least 150 minutes per week and up to 300 minutes per week.

It’s also recommended that included in that time, there be at least 2 days of weight-bearing exercise or strength training. This can be done with just body weight or with added weight (i.e. dumbbells, bars, machines, etc.) 

As far as the method of exercise is concerned, that really is up to you and based on what your goals and exercise preferences are. Cyclical exercise can refer to two different things and I’m not sure which one this question is referring to, so I’ll just speak to both. 

Cyclical exercise is a type of interval training where you have a short period of very vigorous and intense exercise, then a rest period where you allow your heart rate to slow back to a resting rate. It’s very similar to HIIT-style workouts, with the difference being a longer recovery period in between exercises. This style of exercise is great for some people and can be very effective for building endurance and increasing heart rate variability, which most health professionals believe leads to better overall health. It isn’t for everyone though and can be too intense for those just starting out or those with certain medical conditions. 

Then there’s also the type of cyclical exercise which is a method where a woman chooses the type or style of exercise that you do based on what phase of the menstrual cycle she is in. Women’s bodies operate on a 28(ish) day cycle where multiple hormone levels fluctuate throughout the cycle. Many believe that women may be more inclined to enjoy certain types of exercise during certain phases of their cycle. For example, engaging in more intense or challenging type workouts during the latter part of the follicular phase, prior to ovulation, then choosing less intense, more restorative type exercises during the luteal phase of the cycle. 

This is a really interesting theory and actually extends far beyond just exercise recommendations. There are theories for syncing your cycle with types of food, productivity at work, creativity, and more. I could probably do an entire episode on that actually, so if that’s something you would like to know more about, let me know. 

As with anything health-related, there are tons of opinions and theories on exercise, but let’s just review the bottom line of what really matters when it comes to exercise. 

Does exercise really matter?

The one thing that everyone agrees on is that exercise improves all areas of our health. Strength training builds bone and muscle mass, which becomes more and more important as we age.  Building muscle burns more calories, which helps with weight loss. Exercise helps move the lymph in our bodies which increases efficiency of our detox pathways (this helps our livers, hormones, cognitive health, and so much more). Exercise improves cardiovascular health and mental health, as well as supports overall mood and decreases feelings of stress. Exercises also decreases chronic inflammation which helps everything in the body function better. I really could go on and on, but the point is that it matters and it’s worth the time and effort. 

How can we make exercise work for us?

So, how do we make it work for us? This is where things typically break down and we struggle to exercise consistently, despite what we know to be true. Here are a few tips that I think are helpful for making exercise work for us.

  • Schedule it and put solid yellow lines around it (just like when driving, solid yellow lines means do not pass). 

  • Add a friend. You’re much more likely to follow through if your friend is there waiting for you. 

  • Choose an exercise that you enjoy! If you hate it, you won’t do it! 

  • Don’t start with too much, too fast. If you injure yourself or even just end up super sore for a week, you’re less likely to go back and do it again. Start slow - just get moving! 

  • Don’t underestimate the power of a walk! I guarantee you that if you go walk for just 10 minutes you will feel better than you did before. 

Some of my favorite at-home workout resources are Lindsey Bomgren’s online workout program at Nourish, Move, Love, and Robin Long’s online fitness community at Lindeywell. Another great option, especially if you’re struggling with body image or just need some extra encouragement in the area of exercise and health is Jess Connolly’s Good Body Gals online community workouts.

Also, if you have a gym membership, look for group classes (body pump, barre, group yoga, etc.) at your gym! Participating in a class increases the likelihood that you will be consistent by checking off a lot of the tips that I mentioned before. Joining my local body pump class has done wonders in helping me to be more consistent in exercising!

It’s always good to be reminded about the importance of exercise and I hope you’ll implement a few of the tips that I shared here today. If you want more information about exercise I have a few other full-length episodes dedicated to different aspects of exercise - The Benefits of Strength Training for Women with Cassidy Tipton, CPT and well as Exercise as Medicine with Amy Shafer, CPT

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Prioritizing Your Health as a Mom

In honor of Mother’s Day, this week’s #hfpodcast episode is focused on prioritizing your health as a mom. This can be such a struggle but I want to encourage and inspire you to think through some ways that you can support your health and care for your body so that you can continue to love and serve your family well for years to come!

Hi friends! This past Sunday was Mother’s Day so in honor of that, this week’s #hfpodcast episode is focused on prioritizing your health as a mom. This can be such a struggle and takes intentional planning and effort that if we’re being honest, oftentimes we don’t feel that we have the energy for. Today I want to encourage and hopefully inspire you to think through some ways that you can support your health and care for your body so that you can continue to love and serve your family well for years to come!


I reached out to my followers on Instagram and asked them what some of their obstacles were to prioritizing their health as a mom and here are the most common responses that I got:

  • Time 

  • Hectic schedules

  • Exhaustion 

  • Lack of motivation 

  • Body image struggles 

  • Guilt when taking time for yourself

I think all of us moms can relate to pretty much all of that!

The thing we need to remember is that we are all in this together. Most of us who are caretakers in any capacity, moms or not, but especially when you have tiny humans that you are responsible for 24/7 can relate to the struggle of knowing that it’s best for us to take care of ourselves and do things that support our health and figuring out how to actually do it. 

It’s also helpful to remember that this is just a season - not forever. We’re just not going to get to it all every day no matter how organized and planned we are and that’s okay. That doesn’t mean that we don’t try to do things that we know will help us, but we’re going to agree here together to stop beating ourselves up about it when it’s not all done, okay? Deal! 

Here are a few tips and ideas that I hope will encourage and inspire you to take the time and be intentional about caring for your body and supporting your health:

  • Spend time with Jesus every day in any way that you can. This will look different in every season, maybe even from day today. The truth is that we just simply cannot care for other people well and pour out of a cup that’s empty. Mothering well requires amounts of patience, wisdom, and care that I just simply do not have without the help of the Holy Spirit. I literally need help with it and I can tangibly feel a difference in my parenting on the days that I don’t prioritize this. 

  • Take a little time for yourself. This can be so incredibly difficult to do, but I truly believe that it makes a difference in our mental and emotional health. This may mean asking for help or trying to get up a little earlier before the kids do, or maybe choosing 10 minutes of time to decompress instead of doing the dishes {again}. Get creative - it’s worth it.

  • Eat actual meals that are for you (protein+carb+fat, every 3-4 hours, including snacks). The key here is to have a plan but know that it doesn’t have to be elaborate. Stick to the basics and make it work for your season. For ideas or help with this, grab my Foods that Heal Guide and my Easy, Healthy Eats Recipe eBook.

  • Try to have food before coffee - I know. 🙈 Here’s the deal - coffee (while amazing) spikes one of our stress hormones- Cortisol - and can make your blood sugar unstable as well as put stress on your adrenals and hormones. Essentially, it can make you have less energy and more irritable. Bad combo for a mom (well, anyone - but you get what I’m saying). So simply adding a small balanced meal or snack before your morning cup of coffee can help to stabilize your blood sugar and support your energy levels and mood.

  • Prioritize your sleep. I’m well aware that our kids do not care about our sleep at all. However, a long-term lack of sleep can take such a toll on our health (if you want to hear my personal experience with this, make sure you listen to the whole episode). There is some lack of sleep that comes with parenthood, especially in the newborn days, but I want to encourage you that it’s worth the money, effort, time, whatever you need to do to help your kids to sleep well and independently so that you can too! Also, choose sleep over an extra hour of work or even scrolling. I know that it feels like you’ve earned some numb-out time (and you have) but if it’s a choice between staying up really late to “escape” or get more sleep, the sleep will serve you better every single time. 

  • Have a plan for moving your body. This is one of those areas that really has to adapt after having kids but it’s still totally doable. We just need a plan and realistic expectations! Find ways to make it work for your schedule and season of life. You can include the kids by letting them join you in your workout if they’re old enough or let them have a little screen time will you fit in a workout at home. Go for a walk and take them in the stroller or let them ride their bikes or scooter along side you. If your budget allows, joing a gym that provides childcare - this will give you a little alone time and you can fit in a workout - win win! Just be realistic with your expecations of what it will look like. It won’t happen everyday, but if you make it part of your daily plan and shoot for it, you will at least hit it some days. 

  • Give yourself some grace. Choose the priorities from this list and don’t try to do everything! Remember, living a healthy lifestyle is really about balance, it’s more like juggling. So choose a couple things that you can focus on and feel good about. Also, learn to let go of some things. Maybe the house isn’t perfectly clean all the time, maybe you have to ask for help, maybe you can’t go to every event you’re invited to. Spend some time thinking through what is most important and what you actually feel called to, and be okay saying no to other things. 

  • Don’t give up when you have an off day (or week, even month). It’s not starting over, it’s not getting back on the wagon,  it’s just living your life and tomorrow is a brand new day!

Mama- friends, it’s okay to take care of you too. You will love and serve better if you aren’t trying to pour out without ever taking the time to refill. Think through what you know will help you the most a prioritize a few of these things we’ve talked about today.

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Not Seeing Results with Your Health Goals? This Could Be Why!

In this episode, I’m sharing some of the most common reasons that we tend to hit a wall this time of year and stop seeing the results that we think we should be seeing in our health goals - whether that’s weight loss or another health factor we are wanting to improve - and what we can do about it!

Hi friends! It’s the end of February and a lot of us are feeling 1 of 2 ways with our new year’s health goals - either confident and excited to keep going or frustrated and ready to call it quits. In this episode, I’m sharing some of the most common reasons that we tend to hit a wall this time of year and stop seeing the results that we think we should be seeing in our health - whether that’s weight loss or another health factor we are wanting to improve. I think this is going to be super practical and helpful for you, so let’s get into it! 


While there are a lot of factors that can go into why we may feel that way, I have found that when people are feeling stuck or frustrated with a lack of results, there are usually some common culprits. So before you call it quits, evaluate how you’re doing in these 5 areas. 

Not enough quality sleep

Most of us don’t get enough sleep. We prioritize productivity over rest and we’re damaging our health. The recommendation is 7-9 hours of sleep and 2 hours of deep sleep (most of this happens before midnight). So really get intentional about your sleep - track it (Apple watch / Oura ring, Garmin smartwatch), set some hard boundaries, etc. (more ideas for optimizing sleep in episodes 29 and 69). 

Inadequate calorie/protein intake

Often when we think about weight loss or health goals, we think about eating less (which occasionally may be warranted) but I’ve found the opposite to be true more often than not. So many times when someone is experiencing difficulty losing weight or regulating blood sugar, healing their hormones, etc. - it’s because they aren’t eating enough. Not enough calories, or not often enough throughout the day, or even both! It’s also very common for women to not eat enough protein. 

I’m not a proponent of counting calories because I think we set ourselves up for an unhealthy obsession with our bodies and an unhealthy relationship with food by doing that; however, having said that sometimes it can be helpful to track for a couple of days (ONLY) just to gauge how much food we’re getting. Somewhere along the way, we’ve adopted this mindset that we should only be eating 1200 calories a day or something ridiculous, and for 99% of us, that is way under what our bodies need to actually function. Now, this is different for everyone, and I don’t want you to mishear what I’m saying and think that I’m saying that weight loss is the most important goal or that it’s as simple as kcals in/out because if you know me or have been around here for a while, you know that I don’t teach that at all. BUT I do believe that understanding the science behind how our bodies use food as energy is helpful. Your body needs a certain amount of calories to just basically function - you can find out this amount by using a BMR calculator. It will show you the number of kcals you need to just sit still and breathe. s the algorithm explains, this energy will be used only to maintain vital organs, which include the heart, lungs, kidneys, nervous system, intestines, liver, lungs, sex organs, muscles, and skin. For most people, upwards of 70% of the total energy burned each day is used for upkeep.

If you want energy to move or do anything at all you will need more and the calculator will base that on how active you are, if you’re pregnant, nursing, etc. Again, this isn’t as simple as this math equation, but it does provide a basic frame of understanding and supports the idea that major calorie restriction is not a good idea.

It’s also super common to not have enough intake of protein and have too high of an intake of either simple carbs or fats. A really simple rule of thumb here is to make sure that you’re not having any meal or snack that is just a carb (or just a protein, for that matter). The inclusion of all three macronutrients is important for stable blood sugar and metabolism. Somewhere around 25-30g protein per meal is a good goal and using the palm of your hand as a guide is a super easy, sustainable way to track this.

Too much or too little exercise

Another common issue I see often when someone isn’t seeing the progress that they want is an imbalance in their physical activity - either too much/too intense exercise or too little exercise. 

Regularly moving our bodies for somewhere between 15-45 minutes daily supports the function of our bodies in so many ways! It helps our bodies manage stress levels, helps promote deep sleep, aids in digestion and good gut motility, reduces chronic inflammation levels, increases oxygen, and therefore healing, to the body, helps with cognitive ability, supports stable hormones, and so much more. It’s a vital component of a healthy lifestyle! 

On the flip side, overtraining or doing too intense of a workout, or even too long of an intense workout can have some of the opposite effects leaving us feeling more exhausted and depleted; it can also raise inflammation levels, have a draining effect on our adrenal health and therefore hormone health, lead to digestive issues including bloating and constipation, add to insomnia, and when paired with a too restrictive way of eating, leave our bodies starving for energy. 

As with most things, there is a sweet spot for exercise, especially for women. 

Misaligned Mindset and Goals

I’ve talked about this a lot because this is one of the most common issues that I see and one that most of us simply overlook. I actually have a guest interview episode all about this that comes out in a couple of weeks, so I’m not going to go super deep into this, but I do want to give you a couple of things to think about. 

When we are setting goals from a place of negative feelings or feelings of shame about our bodies, we are likely keeping ourselves stuck right where we are. Those feelings may motivate you for a day or two, but most of the time they are going to lead you to feel like giving up or crashing on the couch instead of taking proactive steps to improve your health. 

However, if we can switch our mindset to setting goals tied to something we love or a dream we have for the future, we are much more likely to feel motivated to take those action steps. 

Behavior is driven by our mindset, not the other way around. 

There’s so much more to be said on this topic and as I said, I actually have an entire guest interview about this coming up in the next episode, so make sure you are subscribed and keep a lookout for that. 

I also have a youtube video dedicated to a healthy mindset and goal setting that you can watch. I’ll link that in the show notes so that you can get to it easily. It’s actually a clip from my Move Forward, Feel Better course and dives much more in-depth into how we can align our mindsets with the truth of who God made us to be. I truly believe that this is the missing piece for so many women who find themselves stuck in a cycle of dieting and frustration with their bodies. 

Have any of these common issues resonated with you? If so, I hope that you have found this episode helpful and it has given you some ideas to think through. The good news is that in each of these examples, we can easily make changes to address what’s going on. I encourage you to spend some time evaluating these areas of your lifestyle and brainstorming 2-3 very achievable steps that you can take to move forward. You’re doing a great job, friend! Just by taking the time to listen to this episode and give intentional thought to your health, you are moving forward, even if it doesn’t feel like it! 

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Tips for Injury Prevention and Recovery with Dr. Blake Bohanan, DPT

In this episode, Dr. Blake Bohanan shares tips for preventing exercise-related injuries and best practices for recovering quickly should those injuries occur. He also shares about his journey into opening his own practice, Shift Performance PT, here in Knoxville, TN.

Graphic for episode 77 of the Health Forward Podcast: Alaina Davis and Dr. Blake Bohanan

Hey friends! In this episode, Dr. Blake Bohanan shares tips for preventing exercise-related injuries and best practices for recovering quickly should those injuries occur. He also shares about his journey into opening his own practice, Shift Performance PT, here in Knoxville, TN.


Topics in this episode…

Why workout injuries are so common, especially this time of year. 

How to prevent common injuries from happening in the first place.

Best practices for recovering from exercise-related injuries

How the Shift Performance PT therapy model is different from traditional physical therapy.

Learn more about Shift Performance PT here.

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HF Podcast, Coaching, Healthy Lifestyle Alaina Davis HF Podcast, Coaching, Healthy Lifestyle Alaina Davis

"Balancing" A Healthy Lifestyle

In today’s episode, I’m sharing why I believe the idea of “balancing” a healthy lifestyle isn’t realistic and what is actually helpful instead.

Health Coach, Alaina Davis, smiling softly beside episode title: Why Balancing a Healthy Lifestyle Isn't Realistic

Hi friends! Today we are jumping into the topic of “balancing” a healthy lifestyle and how I believe this idea of “balance” is leading a lot of us to burn out and or leaving us feeling stuck. Let’s get into it! 


I think we’ve gotten too attached to the idea of balance, especially when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle or maintaining healthy habits. So often when I ask people what they’re most frustrated with or what they’re struggling with in regards to their health, I get a lot of responses about frustration with inconsistency with working out or how they’re eating as well as a lot of frustration with not being able to balance it all. The question - “how do I do all of this” comes up a lot. Sometimes a “healthy lifestyle” can feel like a whole lot of boxes to check, which really feels like a whole lot of work! Right? 

I mean, that’s why so many of the fad diets become so popular, even though they often aren’t actually good for your health long-term, but they promise a result without all the work. 

I think we have made the ideal “healthy lifestyle” into something that is actually not realistically attainable. In reality, who can get 8 hours of sleep (2 of those being deep sleep, at the optimal time of night) every night, wake before the sun, drink 32 oz of perfectly filtered, lemon water, eat a nutritious large breakfast with the optimal amounts of carbohydrates, protein, and fat within an hour of waking + 15 different vitamins/supplements; practice complete mindfulness while getting completely ready for the day; spend time outside; space perfectly portioned and balanced meals out all throughout the day the day; stand for 10 minutes every hour; get 10k+ steps; get an hour workout in; be totally present and accessible for your family; feed your kids a beautiful, nutritious dinner; avoid too much caffeine or screen time; keep your home completely clean and laundry caught up; get everyone to bed at the ideal time of evening…. And then turn around and do it all the next day! Oh and did you notice I didn’t even mention anything about actually working a job or having any obligations or responsibilities… 

You hear me say all of this and think it sounds ridiculous - and it does! But how often do we subconsciously hold ourselves to this kind of standard and then feel like we just can’t “balance” it all when we don’t measure up. I have 100% felt this way and tried so hard attain this kind of “balance”. 

So what do we do? If we aren’t looking for balance, what are we looking for? 

I think that living a healthy lifestyle, and maintaining healthy behaviors/habits, looks a lot like a balanced scale and a lot more like juggling. 

Do we want to build a solid foundation for our health? Yes. Do we need to focus on all the different areas of a healthy lifestyle - sleep, stress, exercise, nourishment, relationships… yes - but not all at the same time. And I think that shift in mindset is what makes the difference between someone who is able to settle into participating in healthy behaviors, steadily making progress in their health, and someone who sets a goal, is all “into it” for about two weeks or a month, and then burns out. 

Think of someone who is juggling 5 bowling pins -  is he aware that all 5 are there? Yes. Is he focusing on all 5 of them at the same time? No! Just the ones in his hand at that moment and then his focus shifts as it needs to in order to keep all of the pins in the air. 

It’s just not possible for us to focus on all aspects of our health at the same time. I kind of wish that it were! My personality’s bend toward perfectionism wishes that I could master all of these areas of health and check off every box, but the thing is that I’ve tried it and it just doesn’t work! 

When we allow ourselves to focus on 1-2 areas of our health or 1-2 healthy habits at a time, it prevents us from becoming overwhelmed and burnt out so quickly. Then when we feel confident in one area, we can move onto another. This allows us to actually feel successful and to make real forward progress - it may be slower than we want to go, but it greatly increases the odds of us actually achieving our goals.  

So think about the most pressing or needed change that you need to make for your health. Is it sleep? Is it hydration? Is it eating more plants and veggies? Maybe it’s cutting out processed, chemical-full foods? 

I asked you guys on Instagram earlier in the week to give me an example of just one thing you feel like you need to focus on for your health and I would walk through what this practically looks like in the episode. Several of you said exercising consistently or being more active - something like that.

That’s a great one and super common. So let’s talk through some ideas of what that may look like practically:

  • Make an appropriate goal - to move your body 5 days a week (not to work out every single day and lose 10 lbs.). The goal is simply to move your body

  • Make it work for you:

    • Figure out what activity/exercise you actually enjoy

    • Decide if you do better alone or do you need someone to keep you accountable? Would you enjoy a group activity more than a solo workout? 

    • Brainstorm your usual excuses - time, energy, soreness? What has prevented you from being consistent in the past?

    • Schedule it ,but be flexible. Your week won’t go exactly as planned, so you need to be able to not be completely thrown off. (This may look like planning to walk M,W,F and do Barre or Pilates on T/R but it is 12 degrees outside or it’s raining all week, so you do a quick youtube workout or stick to pilates/barre every day instead.) You have to be able to pivot or you’ll never stick with it.

    • Track your activity with an app or watch to give yourself a little extra accountability. 

Do you see how changing your focus from 5 goals or areas of focus to just this 1 could lead to more successful progress? It’s like a snowball effect. A little change and progress leads to another change, which leads to another, and another. Before you know it, you look back and things look completely different. 

Here’s the thing - consistency and success in one behavior or habit usually crosses over into another. For example, when you’re feeling good about how you’re moving your body, you will likely naturally be more intentional about what you are eating and if you’re hydrated. Or maybe you’ll notice that your sleep starts to naturally improve and you start to pay more attention to the quality of your sleep overall. Success usually breeds success leaving you feeling more confident in how you’re caring for your health. Which is really the goal at the end of the day anyway. 

So I hope that you will try adjusting how you approach living a healthy lifestyle and choose to focus on 1-2 things at a time. I believe it will be a game-changer for you. 

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How to Support Your Liver Health

In this episode, I’m sharing practical ways that we can support the health of our livers as they support the rest of our bodies.

Hi friends! Today’s episode is kind of a “part 2” to last week’s episode on liver health. In that episode, we covered what the liver does and a few of the really important roles that it plays in our overall health, as well as what can happen when we don’t support our liver health. In this episode, I’m sharing practical ways that we can support the health of our livers as they support the rest of our bodies. 


There are a number of ways that we can help support the health and function of our livers and most of them can be done from the comfort of our homes! So that’s great news! I’ve broken these down into a couple of categories to hopefully help it be easier for you to remember (you can always go to the show notes as well). 

The very first thing that we can do to support the health of our livers is… can anybody guess it?? You know what I’m going to say...

Improve gut health

I know that I sound like a broken record here, but I’m not exaggerating when I say that the health of our gut affects just about everything else in our bodies - especially our livers. If our guts aren’t healthy, toxins can be recirculated right back into the liver, instead of being excreted as they are designed to be. 

So if you are experiencing a lot of gut health issues, work with a professional trained in gut health to address the root cause. If you struggle with constipation or regular bowel movements, this is something that needs to be addressed ASAP with a treatment that will address the root cause and not just force your body to go. Unfortunately, these kinds of medications, while necessary at times (for short-term use), do nothing to heal to cause of constipation, and can harm the balance of the microbiome even more, which just perpetuates the problem. 

Here are a few ideas to help, if this is something you are struggling with: 

  • High-quality bone broth daily 

  • Deep breathing/box breathing before all meals

  • Eating every 3-4 hours (fiber, protein, and fat)

  • Add more variety to your meals (change out produce often)

  • Gargle every day (start small and build up to 2-3 minutes at a time)

  • Take a multi-strain probiotic (best to start this after a few weeks of the daily bone broth)

  • Hydrate!! (½ body weight in oz of filtered, mineral water daily; can also add electrolytes to help)

Prioritize key nutrients 

Your liver is dependent on certain nutrients to function effectively. It needs protein to supply amino acids which assist with detoxification. It also needs liver-friendly nutrients including vitamin C and B vitamins, zinc, and selenium,  as well as antioxidants found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and kale, for example. Healing foods like garlic and turmeric can also support liver function by assisting with the production of liver enzymes.

One simple tip for increasing the intake of these essential nutrients is to aim for half a plate of vegetables at every meal, making sure to include some/all of the cruciferous ones that I just mentioned. If you’re also working on your gut health, most of these veggies are more easily digested when cooked (sauteed, roasted, steamed, etc.).

There are some other nutrients and herbs that may also be helpful in supporting the liver: 

  • NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) and Glutathione are both antioxidants that have been shown to support the liver 

  • Milk Thistle, dandelion root, and astragalus are commonly used to nourish the liver and assist in healing, especially for those with congested/fatty livers. You can often find Liver Support Teas that are made of a blend of these herbs. 

Increase lymphatic movement

Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump to keep things moving. It is dependent on the movement of your muscles and tissue to move the lymph around to different lymph nodes in the body to be filtered and then recirculated.

Moving our bodies every day for even just 10-15 minutes can help increase circulation as well as movement within the lymphatic system. Dry Brushing is also a helpful tool for increasing lymph movement in the body and can be done daily or several times a week before showering or taking a bath. 

Reduce toxic burden

One major way that we can help support the health of our livers is by reducing our exposure to toxins. As I’ve talked about many times, the body - specifically speaking here about the liver - is designed to filter toxins, so we don’t need to try to be 100% toxin-free or live in a pure bubble, however, we can place an undue burden on the liver when the number of toxins we are exposed to and the rate at which we are exposed to toxins is really high. Remember how in the last episode we talked about how every single thing we breathe, digest, or absorb has to be filtered through the liver. So when we are continually eating, breathing, and absorbing things that are full of chemicals that are harmful to our bodies, we have created a huge workload for our livers. 

So what are some simple ways to reduce our exposure: (have entire episodes about this 24, 64, and 65)

  • Choosing organic produce (for the dirty dozen) and organic, antibiotic-free meats dramatically reduce the number of herbicides and pesticides we are exposed to.

  • Increase awareness of the ingredients in personal care products and cleaning products. (EWG)

  • Decrease foods/substances that create a greater workload for the liver such as alcohol/drugs, sugar, caffeine, high-starch carbohydrates (especially w/o protein and fat). 

Use Alternative therapies

There are a few other ways to support the liver that I wanted to mention:

  • The use of a castor oil pack over the liver is believed to increase circulation to the liver as well as help in the production of one of our master antioxidants - glutathione. 

  • Epsom salt baths are helpful for many things, especially in relief from sore muscles and even in reducing stress. Some also believe that the absorption of magnesium sulfate from the epsom salts can also support the liver. 

  • Acupuncture has been shown to improve circulation and therefore decrease stagnation. There are many studies showing that acupuncture is helpful for liver function. 

  • TCM believes there to be a direct link between unresolved feelings of anger or sadness and poor liver health. We know unresolved emotions and trauma can also lead to chronic inflammation and even poor adrenal health as well. So all the more reason to be sure you are paying attention to your emotional health as well, managing stress well, as well as seeing a counselor if you feel that you need some additional support navigating through past experiences or feelings (most of us do). 

Adding in a combination of few of these ideas into your daily and weekly rhythms will help support not only your liver health but your overall health as well.

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How to Protect Your Immune Health

In this episode of the #hfpodcast, I'm sharing a few ways to support and protect your immune system's ability to do the job it was designed to do.

Ep 69_Immune Support.png

Hi friends! Immune health and sickness have been on our minds a lot over the last two years and while the information I’m sharing today isn’t new, I wanted to give it a refresh because, let’s just be honest, there’s some misinformation, as well as just weird info out there right now on this topic. I understand that it’s easy to get caught up in fear and have so much advice thrown at you that you don’t really know who to trust sometimes. So today's episode is a few simple reminders of ways to support and protect your immune system’s ability to do its job.


So right from the start, I want to say that what I’m talking about today isn’t a treatment protocol in any way. This is education about the immune system and how you can best support it and protects it so that it can do the job it was designed to do. Our bodies were created so intricately and intelligently, and our immune systems know what to do - just like our hearts know how to pump blood through our bodies and our stomachs know how to digest food, however that doesn’t mean we can and treat our bodies any ole way and expect them to function well, right?.  Just as with our cardiovascular health or our digestive health, the way we live our lives - what we eat and drink, how we sleep, how we manage stress, etc. all affect our immune health as well. 

So that brings us to what we can do to support our immune systems and help them function well. 

As with just about everything else, we have to start with the gut. Over 70% of the immune system is housed in the gut. Studies have shown that the immune system is actually influenced and taught by the gut microbiome. The microbiome helps determine the vitality of the immune system and its response to infection. We can easily conclude that poor gut health equals poor immune system function. So that is where I think we start. 

Support good gut health 

Two main aspects that I focus on when working on gut health are protecting the gut lining and supporting a healthy microbiome - both are crucial for good gut function and overall health. 

One of the main ways to protect the gut lining is to repair any current damage. Increased intestinal permeability (aka Leaky Gut) is more common than you may think and doesn’t always look like digestive symptoms, although it certainly can. When the gut lining is healthy, it creates a tight barrier all along our digestive tract, but when it is damaged large holes or openings can happen along the tract that allows food particles, toxins, bacteria, etc. to escape into the bloodstream. This causes chronic inflammation in the body which can make you more susceptible to illness and impair your immune response. 

One of the simplest ways to help repair the gut lining is by incorporating bone broth into your daily dietary intake either through drinking it or using a bone broth powder.

When it comes to the microbiome, the goal is to have a healthy balance of microbes. We are made up of trillions of tiny microbes, some good guys, and some not so much. When the bad guys (or pathogenic/opportunistic) outweigh the good guys, that’s called Dysbiosis. Research has linked dysbiosis to many common diseases as well as an altered, impaired immune response. 

A few ways to support a healthy microbiome are: repairing your gut lining, taking a quality, multi-strain probiotic; reducing food-related toxins like herbicides and pesticides, antibiotics in meat, etc.; promote healthy digestion and nutrient absorption by chewing thoroughly and not rushing through meals or eating when overly stressed. 

It’s also a good idea to eat a wide variety of high-fiber fruits and vegetables. One great way to expand your variety is by eating seasonally and trying 1 new fruit or veggie each time you buy groceries. 

Lastly in regard to gut health and food, remember to be mindful of your sugar intake, especially this time of year. I absolutely all the fall/holiday desserts and treats that come along with the holiday season, but the intake of sugar can quickly add up and start to cause inflammation in the body. Enjoy the season to the fullest while also being intentional. 

Mind your S’s

In addition to caring for your gut, a few other lifestyle factors have a huge impact on our immune health. I like to call them the 3 Ss - sweat, stress, and sleep. 


We all know that we need to exercise regularly to keep our bodies functioning well, but I’m not sure that we often think of it in relation to our immune systems. When we exercise - move for an extended period of time and get our heart rates elevated a bit, it also helps to create movement in our lymphatic system - which helps our bodies get rid of toxins, it increases oxygen to all areas of our bodies - which increases healing, and helps to reduce stress and chronic inflammation. 

In addition to exercise, I also love the use of a combo of dry brushing and either regular detox baths or a sauna to induce sweating and release toxins from the body. This can be especially helpful when you start to feel sick and may not have the energy for exercise. 


Stress activates our fight or flight response, which when experienced in short-term situations, can actually activate the immune system to fight off an infection or “intruder” more quickly. Chronic stress experienced in a long-term situation, however, can have detrimental effects on the immune system by triggering chronic inflammation and altering the production of cytokines and T-cells which work to protect our bodies. 

So a couple of quick reminders on ways to reduce the effects of chronic stress on the body: 

Exercise, as we just talked about, can induce the good effects of short-term stress and activating the immune system, while also allowing cortisol (stress hormone) levels to regulate, which can help with inflammation. Practicing mindfulness and meditation, including deep breathing exercises can also help to regulate cortisol levels and allow the body to enter into the rest and digest state. Another great way to help your body deal with stress, and therefore support your immune system, is to get outside every day. In addition to the vitamin D, the fresh air often helps to reset mood and can also help with circadian rhythms, which can help with the last S that I want to mention today, sleep (Ideally, you can combine these three things together).


Sleep is really one of the most important components of supporting good health in general, and especially of supporting and protecting the immune system. Getting enough good-quality sleep enables a well-balanced immune defense. Research has shown that during certain phases of sleep that immune function actually increases, which allows the body to more efficiently overcome illness and injury, as well as increase immune memory which allows the body to be better prepared to fend off future illness. 

The opposite is also true, lack of good-quality sleep can interfere with the healthy functioning of the immune system. Sleep deprivation has been linked to short-term illnesses such as viral infections, as well as long-term health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases as well as depression and even cancer. It is believed that this is connected to increased chronic inflammation levels in the body brought about by the lack of sleep. 

I have an entire episode on sleep that’s full of tips (episode 29) but I wanted to share a few quick ways to help prioritize good-quality sleep. 

Both exercise and managing stress which we just discussed go a long way in promoting good sleep at night. All three of these - sleep, stress, and exercise - work cyclically together, each one helping in the other areas. 

Also, having a good bedtime routine that you do consistently each night can help trigger the brain that it’s time for sleep. Avoiding blue light after dark and any kind of emotional stressor, as best as you can control it. Research shows that your body gets the most restorative sleep, in which the immune system can actually strengthen and renew itself, in the window of time about 3-4 hours after the sun goes down. This would mean that it’s important to be getting into bed well before this time so that you are sure to be asleep as this window of extra-restorative sleep begins.

These are truly the foundation of a healthy immune system - good gut health and solid lifestyle behaviors that support your body’s ability to function properly. 

Extra support 

In addition to that foundation, you may need some extra support, which in my opinion is where vitamins, minerals, and other supplements are helpful. 

I have another episode that dives more into each of these areas, so I’m not going to get very into it today, but I often get questions about what is helpful, so I want to briefly mention it. 

It’s true that the more intentional you are for caring for and supporting your body, the better it will function. That’s not to say you will never get sick, you will - and that’s okay. Your body is intelligent enough to know what to do. We just need to be sure that we are supporting it well and not living our lives in such a way that it hinders its ability to function well. 

I hope that this episode has been helpful to you and gave you some good reminders of how to support and protect your immune system, especially as we continue to manage life during a pandemic, and especially as we get into the fall and winter months. 

If you have any questions, email info@yourhealthforward.com.

I also have opened my schedule back up for a few new clients for the fall, and I would love to help you. Schedule a free health coaching discovery call here.

Reference: https://www.ifm.org/news-insights/gut-health-immune-response/; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3256323/;

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24798553/; https://www.sleepfoundation.org/physical-health/how-sleep-affects-immunity

*Disclaimer: Product links listed in this episode are affiliate links that provide a small commission to me with no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

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PCOS 101

In today’s episode, I’m sharing the basics about PCOS - what it is, what common symptoms are, and what you can do to help manage your symptoms and support your body.

September is PCOS awareness month and so for today’s episode, I wanted to do a quick deep dive into some basics about PCOS. It is actually the number one hormonal imbalance condition among reproductive-aged women and sadly, the leading cause of female infertility. So, this condition affects a lot of women and like many other hormonal issues, it can take a long time to get a proper diagnosis. So I want you to be informed about what PCOS is, what some of the common symptoms are, and if you or someone you love has PCOS, what we can do to help with it!


PCOS is a common hormone and metabolic condition that affects up to 15% of reproductive-age women. It is associated with a higher risk for long-term health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and infertility. Higher instances of insulin resistance, IBS, and depression/anxiety are also reported with PCOS. 

Symptoms often associated with this disorder are absent or infrequent menstrual cycles, excess weight gain or inability to lose weight, excess facial or body hair, head hair thinning or loss, severe acne, and often (but not always) insulin resistance and polycystic ovaries. 

PCOS is the most common form of hormonal imbalance and while experts know that it is rooted in inflammation and insulin dysregulation, what actually triggers PCOS is not understood. There seems to be a genetic factor, as women with moms or sisters diagnosed with PCOS are likely to have it as well. Also, as with any hormonal condition, gut health plays a major role. Some believe that it can possibly be linked with a combination of imbalanced gut flora and increased intestinal permeability, which leads to increased inflammation in the body. This can cause cells to become rigid and unable to receive the signal from insulin to let glucose into the cell (which leads to your pancreas continuing to pump out more insulin, and left untreated eventually becomes insulin resistance). Although ovaries do not become insulin resistant, when bombarded with insulin, the ovaries can respond by secreting testosterone. An excess of insulin can also inhibit the secretion of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) which is the protein that binds excess sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen. This creates a perfect storm for these common PCOS symptoms.

PCOS is a clinical diagnosis, which means that it’s based on having a grouping of some PCOS symptoms and ruling out other diagnoses. Often a physician may want to perform an ultrasound to check the ovaries for cysts, but it is important to note not every woman with PCOS will have polycystic ovaries (despite the name). Most women with PCOS do have insulin resistance, but again - not all. It’s important that you work with your physician and be informed on the recommended lab tests that can be helpful for making a diagnosis. Functional medicine practitioners recommend a full thyroid panel, a full hormone panel including estrogen, testosterone, DHEA, SHBG, progesterone, prolactin, LH, FSH, and AMH, as well as a lipid panel and fasting blood glucose and insulin, and A1C. There may also be other tests as well as research about PCOS continues to be published. 

Once someone receives a PCOS diagnosis there really aren’t a lot of great conventional treatment options. The most common option is to take hormonal birth control and while that can help with symptoms, unfortunately, it doesn’t do anything to actually heal the cause of the symptoms. Not only that, but some believe that it may actually worsen the condition over time. Metformin is also a common medication given to women with PCOS. Just be sure to research and speak with your doctor about the common negative side effects that can be associated with it. 

While there is no cure for PCOS, there are things that a woman diagnosed with PCOS can do to help with symptoms as well as target the underlying known contributors to PCOS - blood sugar dysregulation, poor gut health, and inflammation. 

When I work with clients who have PCOS the first two things that we work on are supporting balanced blood sugar and healing their gut. So let’s talk about some foods, supplements, and lifestyle modifications that can help with those things.

When it comes to food, the first thing to remember is that your body needs to feel safe and know that it can count on adequate fuel throughout the day. The best way to do this is to eat a balanced meal (meaning fiber, protein, and fat) about every 3-4 hours. So that typically looks like breakfast, lunch, dinner, and at least 1 snack, maybe 2. You don’t want to eat continually or fall into grazing throughout the day, but also don’t skip meals or go long periods of time without eating. 

Some specific foods that can help:  

  • clean sources of protein: wild-caught, omega-3 rich fish such as salmon, cod, trout or sardines; bone broth, grass-fed beef

  • High fiber carbs:  cruciferous veggies, pumpkin, beans, rice, berries, goji, cherries, onion, parsley, garlic, freshly ground flax seeds 

  • Healthy fats: walnuts, coconut, olives, 

  • Herbs, spices, teas: cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, decaf green tea, Holy Basil tea, liver support teas - like milk thistle or dandelion 

There are some supplements that may also be helpful. I do just want to remind you that everyone’s body is different and may respond differently to herbs/supplements. It’s really best to work with a practitioner who is knowledgeable about these supplements and your particular healthy history. With that said, Vitamin D and methylated B-complex can be helpful because a lot of women (in general), especially with PCOS, are deficient in these. Herbs like Vitex, Dong Quai, saw palmetto, nettle root, and licorice can help with some of the common PCOS symptoms. Inositol is another common supplement given to help with insulin sensitivity and other common issues with PCOS.

There are also some lifestyle recommendations and alternative therapies that can be helpful as well. We all know that regular exercise is good for us, but especially for women with PCOS daily movement is vital for reducing inflammation, balancing blood sugar, and supporting gut and liver health. It’s also important to participate in weight training at least 2x per week (either bodyweight or added weights) which has been proven to help increase insulin sensitivity, allowing it to be more useful in the body. It’s also recommended that women with PCOS prioritize getting 8-9 hours of sleep each night and commit to stress-reducing routines like daily walks and downtime from social media and other emotional stressors. Acupuncture can also be helpful. Many women have also found seed cycling to be helpful - and that probably needs its own episode but essentially is eating certain types of seeds in the follicular phase of your cycle and then switching to other seeds in the second type of your cycle. This can help the body get rid of excess hormones more efficiently and may support more balanced hormone levels. It also provides a great source of fiber which is helpful for gut and liver health  

Ultimately, if you or someone you love has PCOS it’s important to know that even though there isn’t a cure, symptoms can be managed and your body can be supported in such a way that the condition doesn’t have to take over your life. Make sure to get a good team of healthcare professionals on your side that can help you with all aspects of your health and really take the time to learn about PCOS and about how your own body responds - what works for you and what doesn’t. 

Friends, I hope that this episode has been helpful for you. If you’re struggling with PCOS know that you aren’t in this alone and that there is help available for you. Start with some of these things that I’ve mentioned today and build a team of people around you that can support you in this journey. As always if you have any questions, you can send an email to info@yourhealthforward.com

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Why We Struggle with Consistency

In this week’s episode, I’m sharing my perspective on why I believe that we often struggle to stay consistent in living a healthy lifestyle.

How to be consistent

How often have you heard “consistency is key”? It’s everywhere, right? In a lot of instances, I think this is absolutely true, but I want us to go a little deeper today because consistency is often a pain point for people when it comes to their health. Often when I ask my friends or even my Instagram followers what they are struggling with the most or where they feel like they need the most support, every single time the overwhelming popular response is “consistency”. Consistency in exercising, getting good sleep, eating nutritious food, not eating junk food every night, and on and on it goes. I would venture to guess, you’ve probably had a few of those thoughts yourself and I would say “me too”. I have found myself feeling the same frustration - “ugh! Why can’t I stay consistent in this?!”


Recently I’ve been doing some work that’s prompted me to dig deeper into the idea of body image and diet culture - and why we so often feel like we are failing in this area of consistency. One thing that has come up for me and that I think may be one of the biggest contributors to this common struggle is a misalignment between our mindset and our goal. 

I know that sounds a little philosophical, but hear me out on this. 

When the goal (our desired result) is to lose weight, get our bodies “summer-ready”, change sizes or “tone up” a certain area, or even to feel “good” or get back to feeling energetic like we did 5 or 10 years ago, etc. - we will get overwhelmed. First of all, those things are not always in our control. We can do all the “right things” - follow all the principles of living a healthy lifestyle and sometimes still not lose a pound, or still not get pregnant, or still have a disorder or disease. So that’s going to feel really frustrating and we’re probably going to give up. We will also often give up because of the massiveness of the goal. It doesn’t seem attainable - it feels so far out of reach, so we often won’t see the value in sticking to whatever plan we had made for ourselves. 

However, when the goal is something attainable, something we can control, something that is directly and immediately affected by our choices, it makes following the plan easier, therefore allowing us to be “consistent” in our behavior. 

Let me put this in a practical context and use this for an example: 

Scenario - It’s 9:45 pm and you can’t stop thinking about the ice cream in the freezer. 
Goal: Be able to fit back into the jeans you wore two summers ago (the pre-covid ones :P)

Your thinking will most likely go something like this: “ugh - this sucks! I bet ____ doesn’t have to worry about not eating ice cream.”, or “meh! Who cares? I’ll never get back in those jeans anyway”, or “I’ve already fallen off the wagon the past few days, what’s one more treat? I’ll do better tomorrow”... and then you either deprive yourself and don’t eat it while inducing shame and judgment on yourself and others; or you do eat the ice cream and immediately feel regret or apathy about the goal you set for yourself. This leads you to the question, “Why can’t I be consistent in what I’m eating?!” Does that sound familiar?

Now contrast that with the same scenario but a different goal:

Scenario - It’s 9:45 pm and you can’t stop thinking about the ice cream in the freezer. 
Goal: To feel good about how you are caring for your body 

Can you already feel the difference? In this scenario, your thinking may go something like this: “hmmm… well, every time I eat that ice cream, my stomach gets so bloated and I feel miserable for hours. I don’t think it’s worth that. What else do we have instead?” , or “I love that ice cream - that sounds so good, but it is going to probably spike my blood sugar pretty high. What can I eat with it to help stabilize my blood sugar?”, or maybe even “Ah yes! I’ve been waiting for the perfect time to try that ice cream and I know it’s made with good ingredients. Let’s go for it!”. So either you choose to eat the ice cream or you don’t, but you make a conscious decision that won’t be followed by guilt or regret. 

The difference is that with the second goal, you are making a decision from a place of loving and caring for your body right now, just as it is, rather than making a decision from a place of shame or apathy while putting a ridiculous amount of pressure and expectation on yourself. 

One of the biggest enemies of consistency is unrealistic expectations. 

There is definitely something to be said about being intentional and scheduling things into your day or week like prioritizing sleep and exercise. There is a practical, logical piece of actually planning things into your calendar or schedule because if you don’t, it probably won’t happen. But again, we are much more likely to make choices that support our wellbeing when we are operating from a goal of caring for our bodies and stewarding them well. 

So I want to challenge you to take a look at your goal or your lack of goal. If you are feeling discontent or wanting to change something about your health, what is your goal? Is it to take good care of your body, to love it well, and to support it in functioning well? If not, consider making it your goal. It will change how you make decisions. It will change how you feel the decisions you make. It will change how you feel about yourself. 

If this idea rubs you the wrong way or you find yourself rolling your eyes a little bit while listening to this, ask yourself why. Dig in a little bit. Does the idea of loving your body, caring for your body, or stewarding your body well seem weird or even wrong to you? Do you feel like your body is subpar or broken or maybe shouldn’t even be considered at all? If so, why? Where did that idea come from? 

If you find yourself feeling this way - let me ask you a few questions that I hope will change your perspective. Do you believe that your body was created by God? The same God that created the sky and the ocean, and the sun and the moon. Do you remember that after He created man and woman - their bodies - He said that it was good? Do you actually think that He could make something that is bad or subpar? If you find yourself thinking that about your body that way or talking about your body that way, isn’t that insulting your Creator? 

Please know that I don’t ask you these questions to put shame on you, if anything I want to help pull shame off of you. Friends, we think that our biggest problem or struggle or obstacle is not being consistent, but in reality, our biggest obstacle is that we have a misalignment between our mindset and our goal. 

When we view our bodies as something to be fixed, or a project that always needs to be improved, or even as just a tool, or really anything other than a good creation of the Father in which we get to experience this life and experience Him, we will not be motivated to be consistent in caring for our bodies. It will feel useless, pointless, we might even find ourselves believing that it’s vain. 

I’m not saying any of this as someone who has conquered this or figured it all out but as someone who is right there with you. I’ve been working through some of these thoughts and feelings myself over the past few weeks. I’ve had to dig deep and ask myself these same questions about what I believe about my body and the One who made it. I can honestly say that realigning my mindset with what God says and focusing on the goal of caring for my body out of a place of love, gratitude, and stewardship, has made a huge difference for me and I believe it will make a difference for you too. 

It’s easy to get caught up in what culture says about health or about what we should look like, eat like, workout like but as believers, as women who follow Jesus, that is not where we find truth and direction for our lives. 

If you feel frustrated with yourself because you don’t feel that you can “stay consistent” or because you lack motivation, ask yourself these questions. Check your mindset and focus on the goal of caring for your body, being kind to and grateful for your body instead of trying to make it into something or make it look a certain way. 

If you feel like you need to do some work around the issue of body image or body shame, or if you would just like to know more about a kingdom mindset about health and body image, I encourage you to check out Jess Connolly’s Good Body Gals community. I have found it incredibly helpful for my own soul as well as helping me think about how I teach and coach other women. You can find all the information about it in her Instagram bio or by searching for the tag #goodbodygals

If you feel like you need one-on-one support in this area or in knowing what steps to take, what being kind to your body looks like, what a healthy lifestyle looks like for you, I’d love to help you with that. I offer a free initial consultation where I learn about your specific needs, goals, and current obstacles and together we can come up with a plan to help. You can learn more about that by going to yourhealthforward.com

That does it for me today, friends. Thanks for spending some of your day here with me. Keep moving forward, go love your people well and I’ll talk with you next time!

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Strength Training Benefits for Women with Cassidy Tipton, CPT

In today's episode, Certified Personal Trainer - Cassidy Tipton shares with us some of the many benefits of strength training for women's health. Whether you would consider yourself to be a beginner or an experienced athlete, Cassidy offers simple and practical tips for incorporating strength training into your everyday life.

In today's episode, Certified Personal Trainer - Cassidy Tipton shares with us some of the many benefits of strength training for women's health. Whether you would consider yourself to be a beginner or an experienced athlete, Cassidy offers simple and practical tips for incorporating strength training into your everyday life.


Alaina: Welcome back to the Health Forward Podcast. Today we have a special guest with us, Certified Personal Trainer Cassidy Tipton. Cassidy, welcome to the podcast! We are so happy to have you.

Cassidy: Hello. Thank you so much, Alaina, for having me. I'm so excited to be here.

Alaina: Yes - so I know you from our time working together at a local hospital here in Knoxville. We did that for a couple of years, but for people who don't know you, can you tell us a little more about yourself and your background?

Cassidy: Yes. Absolutely. So a little bit more about me. I kind of fell in love with strength training my sophomore summer of high school. I was one of those people while other girls were sitting there reading magazines like Vogue and Teen Spirit and all that stuff, I was sitting there reading magazines on, I don't know if you remember, the Oxygen magazine. I was a full subscriber to that. I loved it! I was engulfed in all of that. I loved the way those women looked - it was something so new to me. And so I was just taken in by that. I got started with strength training because I played softball in college and in high school, and so I needed to do strength training to help me get stronger with that. So that's where I fell in love with it. In college, I majored in exercise science, and it's funny because I literally changed my major four times when I was in college, and I always kept coming back to exercise science because that was what I truly loved. But other people are like, Oh, you know, you need to do this or that. Of course, I listened to them, but then I always came back to it. And so I did graduate from Carson Newman with an exercise science degree. Then after college, I started my first personal training gig, and I was there for about four years and loved every minute of it. During that time, I fell in love with lots of different types of strength training - working with different special populations of people, not just athletes, but people who were literally just wanting to better their lives, being able to do things with their grandkids. Then I received my ACE Personal Training certification as well as a CrossFit Level one certification. So I dabbled in CrossFit for a while and then also got my USAW Sports Performance certification, with which I competed nationally in Olympic lifting (fun fact for you guys)! So, I've kind of done all different spectrums of strength training.

Then, as Alaina said, we worked together at UT Medical Center - I loved it there! Now, I am currently not doing anything in the fitness realm and I miss it so much! Because of that, I had this strong pull to serve people in that aspect, so, I really started being active on my social media and just really pouring into people and serving people - showing them my workouts. I'm just trying to give that free stuff to people to help others since I don't do that anymore, but I miss it so much and I know that I have the tools and the background that I can help people with it So that is a little bit about me.

Alaina: Yeah, that's great! And you're a mama - you have a little girl. How old is she now?

Cassidy: She is two going on 20. It's like everybody else.

Alaina: I can't believe she's already two. When we stopped working together you had just had her!

Alaina: So, in today's episode, we're talking about strength training - specifically, as it relates to women's health. I think there's a lot of questions and stigma about women doing strength training. So, we are happy to listen to your expertise on this, both in your education and then in your life experience in it as well. So, can you tell us kind of an overview, what is strength training? Are there different types? What are those different types?

Cassidy: Yes, for sure. So strength training (you can also call it Resistance Training) is basically when you are performing some type of physical exercise in which you are working your muscles against some type of opposing force. Now, that force can be something like weights, resistance bands, or gravity (as in just using your body weight). So there are so many modalities of strength training that you can use with the sole purpose of building strength and endurance. Often, when we think of types of strength training, we think of pull-downs, resistance bands, and dumbbells, but it is a totally different meaning inside of strength training that is more of a form of weight training. Then, as you said, you can do plyometrics, barbells, so many different modalities. But when it comes to specific types of strength training, there are seven different types of strength training. I do want to preface what I'm about to say by saying that it's important that we do try to find a program that is encompassing all seven types of strength training just to help get a very well-rounded program. I'll also mention that, women sometimes gear more towards one type and forget others, so be mindful of that. I'll run through these really quick.

So, the first one is going to be agile strength. When we think of this, we think of football players cutting back and forth. We think of things that are very explosive and agility-type movements. So that's gonna be things like shuffles, shuttle runs, and skaters. What's cool is that we can incorporate those types of movements even when we say, "heck, there's no way I can do shuttle runs or skaters", you can still do different versions of that type of training.

The second type is one that women tend to often veer toward - endurance strength. This is where we have the ability to move lighter loads for longer periods of time. So it's more like that 12 - 20 rep range. What's great with endurance strength is this is gonna help us increase the amount of time before we fatigue, while not only exercising but in everyday life. So endurance is so important just to help us as we age so that we can keep doing the things we enjoy. As I said, I do feel that a lot of women, especially when they're starting out with strength training and are worried about the weights and stick to more of the endurance area. There's nothing wrong with that because that is still great. We need that endurance for our muscles and to help us get stronger.

The third type is going to be our explosive strength. So basically, this is going to be your muscle's ability to exert its maximum amount of force in the shortest time possible. This is along the lines of Olympic lifting, box jumps, and burpees. This type of strength is really important as we age because we can build this strength faster than any other. This is especially helpful for elderly clients. For example, in explosive strength we think of the box jumps but we alter them and work on sitting to stand, but doing them explosively. Even with different variations, you can still get that explosive benefit.

Next is maximum strength. This is going to not really be for just the normal everyday average person just wanting to work out, and better their life. This is gonna be more for someone who is trying to lift a single rip at the heaviest amount of possible weight. So this is going to apply more to athletes. However, we can do a variation of this where we're doing higher weight and lower reps - like the 2 to 6 rep range. So we can still get the benefits of what maximum strength that way.

A couple more - next is speed strength. That's basically just how fast you are. You know, this is going to be more useful in sports, but it is good to help us improve how quickly we can react to something. Because as we age, our reaction is something that declines, so it is important that we still are able to react quickly, whether it's when driving or being aware of our surroundings.

Then there's something called starting strengths. Starting strength is what you would see in a track runner in starting position. They are trying to produce as much force or quickness as possible out of a standstill position. We use this same type of strength by sitting up and getting out of a chair. As we get older, we see we see a lot of people struggle to do this - rocking back and then trying to stand up. When we focus on starting strength with compound movements like squats, lunges, etc., it can help build that kind of strength.

Then last, but not least, is relative strength. This is the strength to weight ratio. So, pound-for-pound, how strong you are compared to someone else. So my husband is gonna laugh - my husband is a big man. He is like 230# and very strong, but when we were doing Olympic lifting and I was at my prime, pound-for-pound, I was technically stronger than him. He doesn't like for me to admit that to too many people because he is known for his strength and being very strong. Strength is important but like I said, those are just a lot of different types of strength training.

A great program is going to have a little mixture of kind of each of those types of strength training.

Alaina: So you mentioned this a little bit, especially talking about aging, but how do those things translate into kind of our everyday lives? Where can we see a lot of those benefits - both in our endurance, our ability to move, agility, and things like that as we age, but also from a health side of things?

Cassidy: So a couple of these are beneficial not only just for the everyday person, but especially for women. Number one is definitely going to be that these things are going to build and maintain our muscle mass. So, fun fact for you (well, fun/scary fact), as females our muscle mass decreases 3-8% per decade after the age of 30. This rate declines even more after you hit 60. Okay? And so what stinks about that is this is what leads to an increased risk for falls or the loss of independent living as we age. Strength training is the number one thing that can help slow that process down of losing muscle mass. It also protects our bone health. So as women, we know that we are a lot more susceptible than men to developing osteopenia and osteoporosis. So doing strenth training with any kind of external resistance or weights will help lower our risk for that. Also, if you do already have some form of osteopenia or osteoporosis, it's gonna help slow that process down. Unfortunately, you cannot reverse those factors, but you absolutely can slow it down. My grandmother is an example of this - she has osteoporosis pretty bad. I started helping her with strength training and the slowing down of the process has been huge. So great that when she's gone back to the doctor, there's been a couple of times it's only changed like a fraction, whereas before it was a very big decline each time she went back in my check. That's a big deal because I know a lot of people worry about that as they get older and I don't think that's a commonly known fact that strength training builds bone mass.

Also, for women, strength training is going to help support weight loss and weight management. So when we lift weights, it's going to help us burn more calories and stored energy or fat more efficiently. One way it does that is by increasing lean muscle mass. So we have all heard that muscle burns more energy at rest. Your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is the number of calories you would burn if you sat on the couch and watched Netflix all day. This number is higher if you have more muscle than fat. I think it's one lb. of muscle burns, 3% more than one lb. of fat. Muscle mass helps us to be efficient by increasing our metabolism and helping us burn more while we're literally doing nothing. So who doesn't want that?

Also, I am going to say this, I know that a big stigma around lifting weights for women is that a lot of women are scared that they're gonna get bulky. This is just a myth. The facts behind it are that the hormone testosterone is what makes that happen in the body and we have only about 10% of testosterone that men do. So there is physically no way that when we are lifting that we are going to get bulky as a man could.

We know that there are great benefits of strength training for everyone - better sleep, better energy, just more focus. It's going to help with blood markers like cholesterol and blood sugar. All those good things.

Another one that I think for women, especially and especially for moms is, it's gonna help increase our mental and emotional health., I know for me, working out is so much more than, than just how I look. But when I don't work out, within a few days, I can tell mentally. It is my one time that I can escape from everything else that's going on in my life and focus on me. It can help you have more mental clarity and give a good serotonin boost.

Alaina: Yeah, that's great. I think so many people don't know so many of those things. You know? They know that they'll feel better., but they don't really get down into knowing those details. So, I love that you shared that. I've talked a lot about how it helps from a hormonal health side with blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, but that mental-emotional component is so important too.

I think part of it, too, is that we feel stronger. When we're going to do a strength training workout, and we actually do it, not only are we physically stronger, but we walk away with more mental stamina as well, because it's like "I did that!", you know? So, I think that helps so much when you are facing chronic health issues or you are facing just normal life stress. It just gives you a little more confidence that you can manage things.

Cassidy: 100% agree with you for sure. Yeah, for me, it's just that feeling of going in and lifting just gives me that sense of accomplishment. I feel like if I can do this, then I can tackle anything, right?

Alaina: Exactly. So there are some common questions that come up when it comes to strength training. So I'm gonna ask you a few of those.

How many times per week? What is the goal when it comes to strength training versus overall exercise? We know the overall general recommendation of roughly 30 minutes a day, at least five days a week, but how much of that should be strength training?

Cassidy: Yes, so with strength training, it always depends on whether you are new to it as well as your goals. So if you are someone who is brand new to strength training, you've never done it before, and you're wanting to start off it is recommended that in conjunction with your cardio (75-250 minutes a week of moderate to high intensity) that you want to at least start with twice a week of a full-body workout - every other day type deal. You want to make sure you're hitting each major muscle group in that 10-15 rep range. Even if you are not new but say you just are wanting to maintain what you have, twice a week is what can give you results. You're not necessarily going to see the physique benefits at that frequency, but you're more going to see the benefits of improving your cholesterol, helping your joints, helping your bones, and those types of things. I

Now, depending on your goals and depending on if you are really wanting to change your physique, or maybe you have a specific sports goal, then I would say you need to start ramping up the days that you are in the gym doing your strength training. So I would say you need to be in the gym doing more of like a 4-5 day a week type thing and doing more of what's called a split in your workout. Maybe one day you come to the gym and do an upper-body routine. The next day you do lower-body. Then the next day you rest and then repeat the process. You could get even more specific and focus on only two muscle groups at a time, such as the chest and triceps. Then the next day would be back and biceps... next day legs, or something like that. And then obviously there's some abdominal work in there a couple of days a week too but that is just going to depend on your goal.

So, for example, when I was training for Olympic lifting, I was in the gym six days a week, two hours a day. And there is no way that I would do that right now because I don't have the time and that's not my goal. Now in the gym, I usually try to get some sort of strength training workout four days a week, and I'm doing more of a split style. I also really like doing more of a full-body workout to like more of a CrossFit type style workout, where I'm in my strength and my cardio kind of together. It's important that you are doing the right amount of days and everything, but the main thing is that you find something that you enjoy, because if you don't enjoy it, you're not going to do it and you're not going to show up.

So even if it's something that maybe is not ideal, who cares? The main thing is that you're there and that you're showing up. So whether it's Pilates, Barre, CrossFit, or just weightlifting, find what you enjoy and mix it up. Consistency is where you will get the results.

Alaina: Yes, I love that, and I love that you mentioned those different kinds of workouts. I think that's confusing for people. Sometimes they think strength training only means using machines or only using a barbell. You can incorporate strength training and a HIIT workout. You can incorporate strength training in Barre, Pilates - all that stuff. So, just like you said in the beginning, it depends on what your goals are for that and what you will stick to.

So, a couple of other questions? What would you recommend for someone who says, "Okay, I've tried strength training a few times, and every time I do it, I get very sore, and then I can't do it for three or four more days, and then I kind of just stop".

Cassidy: Absolutely. So, that's a great question. So what I would tell that person or what I would want to look at first is going to be some of their lifestyle factors. So with strength training, you know that is just one piece of the puzzle. But if they if that person is not getting enough sleep, if they're not getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep, if they are not drinking enough water, if they are not fueling their body properly - especially enough protein and carbs to sustain that can be an issue. We also want to make sure that there is a good balance of fuel for the workout. Carbs are glycogen for our muscles and they are going to replenish and refuel our muscles after we work out. If they aren't eating within the first two hours after their workout, let's try throwing in a protein shake. How strength training works is that we do not get the benefits of strength training when we are doing the strength training. It's during our recovery process. So, if we are not going through that recovery process, then yes, we're going to be sore all the time. And so how it works is when we're working out, we create these tiny, small, little micro-tears in our muscles and our body, when we are at rest it goes through something called protein synthesis to repair our muscles. That requires both glycogen and protein. So if we are not giving our body enough protein there's no way we can repair properly. That often leads to injury and it can lead to chronic soreness.

Also, are they sleeping? Stretching? Stressed? When our cortisol is elevated, it can lead to injury, and it can lead to soreness because our body is not going to be able to go through that inflammation process of cleaning all that out and just repairing our muscles and everything. Also, making sure that we're drinking lots of water, you could even throw in some electrolytes in your water as well. One of my tried and true methods for soreness is foam rolling. So on your off-days, foam rolling your muscles will help get out that lactic acid build-up out and help your muscles go through that process of cleaning all the stuff out.

Alaina: Gotcha. That makes a lot of sense. I think that's a huge missing piece - the recovery. People think, "I did my work out - I'm done - I'm going to go on with my day", and then they don't give any thought to that recovery. So follow-up to that is, would you say, within 30 minutes or within an hour? What's that time frame that we need to make sure we're getting that good protein, protein, and carbs, but definitely protein?

Cassidy: So they call it "The window of gains". It is within an hour of your workout is typically what they're recommending, and they usually say you want a complete source of protein. They have done a lot of studies saying that the most quickly digested form of protein is going to be like an isolate or whey protein, but or any type of isolate type protein. So that's going to be something from like a protein shake. Now I know a lot of people might be sensitive to whey protein, so I mean any type of protein shake you could do, and I think that's going to get to your muscles a little bit quicker than a piece of chicken would. Now, if you come straight home from your workout and eat a well-rounded meal, that's still going to be fantastic for you. Sure, it just might not be quite as bioavailable as quickly.

Alaina: Now, what about collagen? Where does that come in because it's not an isolate?

Cassidy: So yes, to make a full, complete protein there have to be 21 essential amino acids in that protein. I think that collagen doesn't have every one of them - I think it's like 19 or something. So collagen is something that you could definitely put in your post-workout shake because it has great benefits, but it wouldn't be something that I would just put in water. It's not going to be sufficient by itself. Yes, but that's a great question.

That kind of brings me to the other point is the complete protein. So there's a lot of sources of proteins that are considered proteins, but are not full, complete proteins. It is important that after our workouts were looking for something with a complete protein, so that's gonna be found mostly in animal sources, right? So just be conscious of that.

Alaina: Cool. Okay, well, are there any resources that you would recommend for people? Maybe who are just starting out their new to strength training? Would you suggest they get a trainer? Are there programs they can do at home?

Cassidy: Yes. So my two favorite resources are going to be ACSM.org and then acefitness.org. That is who I got my personal training certification from, so both of those are the two I trust the most. They are the gold standard when it comes to health and specifically fitness and working out. They do a lot of studies, and they're just they are kind of the cream of the crop. I know specifically, ACEFitness has lots of blogs you can literally type in, "strength training for beginner" and there are thousands of articles that come up that have workout programs in it.

Another thing you can do is getting a personal trainer. I think that's a great idea as well. On those two websites, you can search their database for personal trainers in your area that are certified through them.

Alaina: Great! So if people would like to follow you online where you've been sharing a lot of your workouts and some tips, where can they find you?

Cassidy: Yes, So, on Instagram, they can find me at cass_tipton.

Alaina: I'll put all of that in the show notes so that people can easily find you and then also those two resources as well. Well, thanks so much for spending some of your day with us and sharing all this information with us. It was so helpful!

Cassidy: Yes, you're so welcome! Thank you so much for allowing me to do this and just share some stuff that I love.

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Exercise As Medicine with Amy Shafer

In today’s episode, Exercise Specialist - Amy Shafer, is sharing her knowledge and expertise around the idea of Exercise as Medicine. She offers practical advice that you can start applying to your health journey today! Listen to the full episode below.

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Hi friends! In today’s episode, I’m joined by my friend, Amy Shafer. Amy is a Certified Personal Trainer, a Cancer Exercise Specialist, the Fitness Manager at UT Medical Center, and the Chair of the Wellness Council for the employees of the medical center. Today, she is sharing her knowledge and expertise around the idea of Exercise as Medicine with practical advice that you can start applying to your health journey today! Listen to the full episode below or wherever you listen to podcasts.


Questions you will find in this episode:

So, I talk a lot about food as medicine and how we can help our bodies heal and function properly through what we eat and how we live. Tell us a little about this idea of “exercise as medicine” and some of the medical benefits of regular exercise as well as the “real life” or lifestyle benefits. 

There are some very common reasons people seem to struggle with consistent exercise - one major one is time and working exercise into an already busy schedule. Can you give us some practical tips on ways to work exercise into our day-to-day lives? 

Another common obstacle or hesitation for exercise right now is this pandemic we are in, which comes with a whole list of fears and concerns about the gym, being around other people, wearing a mask while working out, etc. What are some ways that we can work around or through these concerns?

What are some of the other common obstacles you see for people when it comes to exercising regularly and what advice do you have for them to overcome those obstacles?

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Prioritizing Your Health as a Nurse with Chrissy Williams

In this week’s episode, my close friend, Chrissy Williams, shares ways that she has learned to prioritize her health while working as a Labor and Delivery nurse for the last nine years. She shares such helpful tips, especially for those working in the medical field.

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Hey friends! In this week’s episode, I get to interview one of my very best friends, Chrissy Williams. She shares her perspective of learning to prioritize her health while working as a Labor and Delivery nurse for the past nine years! Listen to the full episode below!


A few of the questions from this episode:

When we think of healthcare, we often just assume that our providers don’t struggle with the same health struggles that we do, but in reality, our doctors and nurses face a lot of the same obstacles we do, and due to their schedules, maybe even more with burn out, etc. Can you share a little about the common obstacles you and your coworkers have experienced? 

What are some of the ways you have been able to work around or overcome these obstacles? 

What advice would you give to a nurse that may be listening? Especially a brand new nurse just getting started in their career and wants to make sure they keep their health a priority? 

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How Adrenal Health Can Affect Your Whole Body with Reed Davis, FDN

In this episode, Reed Davis, Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT) and founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN), teaches us about adrenal health and how the function of our adrenal glands affects the rest of our overall health. He also shares how making small lifestyle changes can help reverse symptoms like chronic fatigue, low energy, brain fog, excess weight gain, and hormonal imbalance.

Ep 37_Adrenal Health with Reed Davis (1).png

Hi friends! In this week’s episode,  I had the opportunity to interview Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT) and founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN), Reed Davis. As a Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP), Reed is an expert in functional lab testing and holistic lifestyle medicine. 


In this episode, he teaches us about adrenal health and how the function of our adrenal glands affects the rest of our overall health. He also shares common lifestyle factors that may negatively affect adrenal health as well as the entire endocrine system. In addition, Reed shares how making changes to those exact same lifestyle factors can help reverse symptoms like chronic fatigue, low energy, brain fog, excess weight gain, and hormonal imbalance (sound familiar?).

You can find more information about Reed and the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition training program that he designed for health coaches by visiting functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com.

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Creating a Healthy Foundation for our Kids

In today’s episode, I want to talk to you about something that is on my mind a lot as a parent - creating a foundation of health for our kids. Children learn from what they see us do and the culture of our homes, so I wanted to share with you some ways that we can help set them up for good health as well as a good relationship with food and their bodies in the future.

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Hi friends! Today I want to talk to you about something that is on my mind a lot as a parent, and that is creating a foundation of health for our kids. Children learn from what they see us do and the culture of our homes, so I wanted to share with you some ways that we can help set them up for good health as well as a good relationship with food and their bodies in the future. 


As I’ve already alluded to, this really starts with us! Kids really do default to doing what they see their parents or those in their homes do - so we first need to evaluate what we are modeling for them.

A few ideas:

  • Let them see you make healthy choices. 

  • Let them hear and see you taking care of your body 

  • Let them hear you being appreciative of your body rather than critical

If you are feeling super uncomfortable right now because you know you haven’t been doing those things - that’s okay! It’s never too late to start making these changes and let your kids be a part of that. If they are old enough to understand, you can even give them a head’s up that you are going to be doing some things differently because you want to take good care of your body and be thankful for all that it does for you. Then let them watch you as you then follow through on what you’ve told them. It will teach them so much just by getting to see you start to make changes. *Just a reminder though - this needs to be through a very positive lens and from a place of appreciation for your body and not punishment of yourself. Nothing about how we engage in “healthy” habits or the language that we use should convey that our kids aren’t healthy or “good” if they don’t eat veggies, exercise, etc.  

In addition to setting an example and encouraging a healthy mindset, there are some healthy habits that you can start reinforcing in your kids very early on from infant/toddler age, again by modeling yourself and then encouraging in them as well. 

Some ideas:

  • Drinking water throughout the day

    Try giving their milk, etc. with meals and then water in-between meal times. the more you offer them water, the more normal it will become. Consistency is key!

  • Division of responsibility at family meals

    This theory for feeding states that it’s the parent’s responsibility to provide food and decide what food is served and it the child’s responsibility to decide how much of that food she will eat. For more about this theory, as well as one of my favorite methods for helping kids with healthy eating habits, check out Ashley’s “Love It, Like It, Learn It” method on her website veggiesandvirtues.com as well as on her Instagram account.

  • Include your kids in your workouts and/or have active family time

    Whether it’s a family walk or dance party after dinner, letting your kids tag along for your jog, or a family workout in the living room, kids love to be active.

  • Help them learn to deal with stress and anxiety

    We know how difficult this can be even as adults, so it’s important to give our children tools to help manage their anxiety and worries from a young age. One of my favorite resources for this is Sissy Goff, a child, and adolescent counselor. She offers tons of great tips and resources on her Instagram account as well as her website raisingboysandgirls.com

  • Set healthy sleep practices

    Set them up for good sleep by doing simple things like ending screen time at least an hour before bed; avoiding any scary books or shows right before bed; getting them to bed on time; ensuring that their room is cool and dark and optimized for sleeping. It can also be helpful to have a conversation with them about why sleeping is so important to our health and makes a big impact on how we feel the next day.

  • Don’t be overly restrictive with food

    Research shows that being overly restrictive on how much or what kinds of foods children can eat can often lead to an unhealthy relationship with food in adulthood - at times in the form of food addictions and eating disorders. One way to avoid having to restrict or say “no” all day is to only have foods in your home that you are okay with them eating regularly.

  • Help your kids have a healthy mindset about food

    Help your kids understand how food fuels our bodies, how to listen to their bodies (hungry vs full, happy tummies vs sad tummies, etc.) Take them with you to the Farmer’s Market or try growing your own veggies in the backyard to help them understand where food comes from. Just let them in on the process!

  • Get your kiddos involved with meal times

    Let them help you chop veggies or stir ingredients together. Commission them to set the table or fill the drinking glasses with water. It’s amazing how much more open kids are to new foods when they’ve been involved in preparing them.

Reminder: It is incredibly damaging to children if they are shamed for eating too much or too little of something or if their weight or bodies are scrutinized or criticized. Do NOT do that! They shouldn’t be the least bit concerned with what they weigh, size of their clothes, or the way their body moves or performs. If you are seeing that in them, please intervene and that may start by evaluating how you approach your own body. If you feel that your child needs some help from a professional counselor or therapist, please provide that for them while they are still young.

Remember they are listening to you and watching everything you do - so please be intentional with this. Be gracious with yourself and with them - it goes a long way.

I hope this episode has been helpful for you and given you a few ideas of ways to create healthy foundations for your kiddos and maybe even yourself! If you have any specific questions, leave them in the comments on this post or you can send me a DM on Instagram.

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Staying Sane and Finding Joy During Quarantine

In today’s episode, I’m sharing some of my favorite ways that we can stay sane and choose joy during this time. 

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Hi friends! I hope you are doing well wherever you are. We are still in the middle of the COVID_19 crisis and in week 4 of staying at home. I both can’t believe it’s already been four weeks and also feel like it’s been four months since life felt normal. I know for many of us the novelty and newness of this new way of life has worn off and we might be feeling like we’re going to go crazy if things don’t change soon, so on that note, I wanted to talk to you today about ways that we can stay sane and choose joy during this time. 

Here are a few of the things that I’ve been trying to incorporate into my new normal almost every day:

  • Getting outdoors 

  • Listening to uplifting music (some of my current favorites: Renew Your Mind, Remind Your Soul playlist, Spring Favs playlist, Ellie Holcomb’s Sing Albums - Creation Songs and Remembering Songs for kiddos)

  • Doing a lot of laughing listening to funny podcasts and Insta-stories (current favs - That Sounds Fun podcast by Annie Downs and The Made Up Morning Show on Jess Connolly’s Instagram account) 

  • Making sure I’m getting enough exercise and sleep 

  • Making myself drink more water (not coffee all day) 

  • Doing a few things to make the weekend feel different 

I reached out to my followers on Instagram and asked what has been helping them. Here are a few other ideas that they had: 

  • Daily walks 

  • Listening to uplifting or encouraging podcasts

  • Getting dressed every day

  • Being intentional with their time/making to-do lists 

  • Limiting tv and screen time

  • Only checking in on the news 1-2 times per day

  • Following a loose schedule for the day 

This season is going to look different for all of us. For some of us, we have tons of time on our hands right now and this could be a perfect opportunity to start something new or take on a project you’ve been putting off. For others of us, life has become extremely full and hectic juggling working from home, caring for kids, cooking multiple meals a day - and it’s probably not the time to start something new. No matter the exact details of our situation, the truth is that all of us will benefit from intentional adding activities or rhythms into our day-to-day that will keep us centered on the right things, help us stay sane, and help us feel the joy that can be found, even in this hard season. 

I hope that this episode has encouraged you to choose some of these ideas to implement into your own life. Hang in there, friends - we will get through this! 

For more healthy living encouragement, mixed with some very real-life moments, follow me on Instagram.

Have a great rest of your day friends! Talk soon!

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What Covid_19 Has Taught Me about a Healthy Lifestyle

In today’s episode, I’m sharing some things that I’ve learned so far during the Covid_19 pandemic about the importance of protecting our mental and emotional health.

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Hi friends! I’m going to be super transparent with you today. I don’t really want to record this episode. I’m weary, I’ve been fighting anxiety more than I want to admit and honestly, I’ve struggled with if I even need to continue putting out content right now because just about everything feels trivial in comparison to this virus and the effect it’s having on people’s lives. 


As I’m typing this my husband, who is supposed to be working from home, is out on an on-site trying to help another company be able to work remotely, so they can stay afloat. Businesses are closing, everyone has to stay away from each other, people are getting sick and losing their jobs and some even their lives. It almost seems silly to come on here and talk to you about a healthy lifestyle - about what you eat or if you’re exercising or how you’re coping with the stress, but as these thoughts have been turning over inside my head, I keep coming back to this idea: During this pandemic, what has been made very clear to me is that the things I did and cared about from a vanity standpoint didn’t matter to me much at all anymore, but the rhythms and habits that I have put into place that make a difference in my mental and emotional health have never been more important. 

Even the really good things that I still believe are good and are beneficial to your health in the long run - like buying organic and trying to reduce toxin exposure, for example, just took a back seat, because, for the first time in my whole life, I entertained the thought that there might not be enough (and just let me add how much of an eye-opener this has been for me around the idea of privilege and how some people deal with these fears and realities every day - pandemic or not). However, the things that stood out to me, that have become necessary in order to keep some kind of control over my thoughts and emotions became front and center of my idea of a healthy lifestyle. Things like: 

  • Having a daily quiet time and drawing near to God. Letting Him speak to my heart and mind the truth of His word has kept my mind centered where it needs to be. It’s allowed me to filter all my feelings through a lens of truth knowing that God is still good and nothing about Him has changed. 

  • Moving my body and getting my heart rate up every day. There is a noticeable shift in my mental state when I do this. Not that it’s all better and fixed but I am able to think more logically about things and not just emotionally. Exercise has many benefits to our health but I’m more convinced now than ever that it’s greatest benefit is to our mental health.

  • Getting enough sleep. This one has probably been the most impactful because it’s the one I’ve struggled with the most. Anxious thoughts flood my mind at night and make me really not want to go to sleep some nights and I can tell such a difference the next day based on how much I slept - not just mentally but physically too! 

Obviously, I still believe that eating nutritious food is important and protecting your gut health and the immune system is crazy important, especially now, and both of those things also have an impact on your mental health as well. 

I think this has just been a really good reminder for me that so much of our daily struggles can start in our minds and during a time like this when there is so much uncertainty, anxiety, and stress if we don’t make protecting our mindsets a priority, we’re likely going to stop caring about a lot of other things that help keep us healthy. 

(**Disclaimer - I’m not really talking about mental illness or chemical imbalances here. While some of these things may be helpful if you or someone you know is struggling with those issues, these things in no way replace a need for medicines or therapy.) 

So if you’re really struggling with your mindset and you don’t feel like you’re in a good mental/emotional state, take the steps - do the things - that can help with that first. Move your body, connect with God, laugh, sleep, connect with other humans (in a safe way). I think sometimes we have to choose to do the thing, and then the feeling and motivation will come later.  

I hope this has helped encourage you and I hope that you and your families are doing well. We will get through this crazy time and my hope and prayer is that we all choose to come out of it a little better than we were before. 

Hang in there, friends! Talk soon!

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HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle Alaina Davis HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle Alaina Davis

019 - Planning Ahead for Healthy Holidays

In today’s episode, I am sharing about planning ahead for the holidays, and how we can plan and prepare ahead to avoid some of the stress that can often come with this season and choose to stay in the holiday spirit instead!


Hi friends! Today we are talking all about planning ahead for the holidays. Thanksgiving is only two weeks away and most of us are making plans with friends and family - and while the holidays are such a fun time of year, they can also bring some challenges and stress.  Especially if you have been making progress working toward a health goal or if you’re trying to manage a health challenge, the holidays and all delicious but less-than-healthy foods that come with them can feel daunting, BUT it doesn’t have to feel that way! In this episode, I want to share a few ways that we can plan and prepare ahead to reduce some of that stress and keep us in the holiday spirit!

Make a Plan for Your Food

  • Choose which holiday foods are your absolute favorite and be sure to eat/make those just the way you like them, then you can either choose to skip or upgrade the other less-than-healthy foods that you care less about. For example, if the stuffing and mashed potatoes are your absolute favorite parts of the meal, then make sure to eat those! But if you could take or leave the green bean casserole, then skip it or try making a healthier version using all whole, natural ingredients. Try using healthier sweeteners in your cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie, if you are doing a lot of the cooking. 

  • Drink water with your holiday meal! If the drinks are your favorite part, then plan to drink plenty of water before and after to help give your digestive system a little extra support. 

  • Don’t take leftovers or only take enough for one day. It’s easy to take tons of leftovers home to snack on for the next several days, but it’s best if you can keep it to just enough for one. Most of the time our bodies will do just fine to process and digest all the extra rich, yummy holiday foods, but when we eat them every meal for several days, it will usually catch up with us and leave us feeling pretty bloated and lethargic. 

  • Be sure to get some basic meal prep done for the rest of your week. This will help to ensure you are still getting plenty of nutrients and balanced meals into your week. It’s also common to just feel tired from all the festivities and you may not feel much like cooking for the next few days, so having prepped nutritious meals will keep you from going to the drive-thru. 

  • If you’re hosting or making several dishes, do a holiday meal prep. Several dishes like mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, and even your pies can be made several days (and even a couple of weeks) ahead. This will not only save time the day-of but will reduce so much stress from trying to cook a lot of things at one time! (Check out my friend Lindsey Loope’s story highlight to see how she is doing her holiday meal prep!)

  • Remember that this is just one day - so enjoy it and allow your kids to enjoy it - and then get right back into your normal way of eating! Again, when you choose to live a healthy lifestyle, that just becomes your normal way of life. There is no wagon, so you don’t have to worry about falling off or ruining any kind of progress you’ve made. Even some of these foods that don’t necessarily nourish our bodies well can be very nourishing to our souls - so just take a deep breath and relax!

Make a Plan for Your Exercise

  • Go for a walk or run your local Turkey Trot together as a family! There are so many fun ways to be active as a family and what a great way to start your day together!

  • If it’s not possible for you to exercise on the actual holiday, plan your workout for the other days of that week. Even if you will be traveling and away from home, you can plan to go for a walk or jog in a near-by park or do a quick bodyweight circuit where you are staying. Yall know that I love Nourish, Move, Love’s Youtube workouts and those can go with you anywhere you go!

  • Ask a friend to workout with you or to keep you accountable to your plan. Like I mentioned before, it’s so easy to get a little lethargic and lazy during a holiday week, so go ahead and plan that you will need a little extra motivation and accountability to keep you on track. Remember that moving your body will help boost your mood and keep your digestive system working well!

Make a Plan to Manage Your Stress

  • Choose something you will do or a specific time that you will do something that renews you and fills you back up. We all know that the holidays are busy and you can feel like you are on the go all the time, so planning some time to decompress will be even more important than usual. 

  • Set specific expectations with friends and family- and for yourself! Personally, a lot of my stress around the holidays comes from setting expectations that are just too high. Expecting that everything is going to go perfectly according to my plan for the day, and it will only be filled with sweet, memory-making moments isn’t realistic and will only lead me to stress myself and those around me by trying to make it happen.

  • Shift your focus for the day to others! The best way to reduce stress and remove unrealistic expectations for the day is to take the focus off of yourself or your plan for the day. Instead of focusing on making everything perfect - perfect food, perfect memories or pictures, perfect environment - focus on the people you will be spending the day with and having meaningful conversations with them. Focus on being thankful for another year together. Focus on being thankful for the gift of life, health, and a good, good Father that loves you unconditionally. Holidays are fun, but the meaning behind them is what really counts. 

I hope some of these ideas help you as you make plans for the upcoming holidays and I sincerely hope that you choose to enjoy this wonderful season.

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018 - How I Supported My Body Through Insulin Resistance

In this episode, I'm sharing my personal experience of being diagnosed with Insulin Resistance, explaining the root cause of the disease, as well as sharing tips that I personally used to reverse my diagnosis.

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Hi friends! In last week’s episode we talked about ways to keep our blood sugar levels stable and why that is something that we need to be paying attention to (If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, hit pause and go do that real quick, so that we are all on the same page!). In that episode, I mention Insulin Resistance as something that can cause blood sugar imbalance, and that it is becoming more and more common.

Insulin Resistance occurs when our cells are no longer sensitive to insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the beta cells in our pancreas to help allow our cells to utilize glucose. In last week’s episode, I gave the analogy of insulin being like a key that opens the door for glucose to go into our cells - and in someone with Insulin Resistance, it’s like that key just stops working. 

There are a few different theories as to why this happens. Sometimes it can be due to an overproduction of insulin caused by a continual release of glucose into the bloodstream. This is often, but not always, due to lifestyle and dietary choices. When we eat mostly carbohydrates - especially simple carbohydrates that break down very quickly into glucose - then our pancreas is continually releasing insulin as well. When this happens chronically, over time our cells simply become so desensitized to the glucose, that they stop functioning properly and can’t utilize the glucose as they should. Therefore we end up with high levels of both glucose and insulin in the bloodstream and our cells don’t get the energy that they need to function well.

 Another cause of Insulin Resistance, that research is showing as more and more prominent, is that chronically high levels of inflammation in the body actually cause damage to the insulin receptors on the cells. So, in this case, it’s not so much that the cells are desensitized and can’t respond to the insulin, it’s that they are actually damaged and can’t respond to the insulin. Although this is a different root cause, it results in the same issue of high levels of glucose and insulin in the bloodstream.

As we know, inflammation in the body is caused by so many different things - inflammatory foods like sugar, artificial and highly processed foods, food colorings and dyes, infections in the body, dysbiosis in the gut, chronic stress, lack of sleep, and so much more. Now research is showing that having high levels of this inflammation is actually doing damage to our bodies on a cellular level.

I actually experienced this myself several years ago when I went looking for answers to my hormone imbalance issues. My labs came back that I had both Insulin Resistance and PCOS. It really surprised both me and my physician, because I didn’t really have any of the other symptoms that, at that time, were thought to accompany IR and PCOS, but as I would come to find out later, my body was very inflamed. I had really poor gut health - dysbiosis and leaky gut, a candida overgrowth, endometriosis (which is an inflammatory disease), years of low-level chronic stress, and a long history of not eating well or really caring for my body well at all. I just didn’t know what I didn’t know! And for me personally, my genetics mixed with all of those things created a perfect storm for IR and then a cascade of hormone imbalance as a result. Thankfully, both insulin resistance and chronic inflammation are things that can be positively affected by lifestyle change, and with the blessing of my physician, that’s exactly what I did. She asked me to come back in 6 months to recheck my levels and thankfully, my insulin levels were back within the normal range and my cycles had also returned to normal intervals, as well. 

If you are struggling with Insulin Resistance or suspect that something is imbalanced with your blood sugar levels or hormones, I strongly encourage you to work with a physician and get some lab work done. Depending on your practitioner, you may need to specifically request that they check your insulin levels, as that isn’t always part of routine lab work. 

As far as how to manage, and possibly reverse Insulin Resistance with lifestyle changes, all of the tips that I shared in last week’s episode apply here as well. Things like eating balanced meals at regular intervals, regular exercise, getting quality sleep, and managing and reducing your stress levels will all help to stabilize the amount of glucose in your bloodstream and lower inflammation. 

There are a few specific recommendations that I would add for someone looking to manage IR though. Your key focus is going to be on reducing inflammation in your body and helping your body to become sensitive to insulin again. This is very important so that you don’t progress further into prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes. 

Be sure to always have a protein and fat with every meal and snack and try to reduce your intake of carbohydrates overall. 

Some people call this a low-carb diet. There are also paleo and keto diets that are similar in nature, but overall I’m just talking about when you look at your plate, or the portions of what you are eating, having carbs only account for about 30-40% of your food.

Eliminate simple, processed carbs altogether.

You need carbs, but you do not need simple carbs full of inflammation-raising ingredients. Stick to high fiber veggies, some nutrient-rich root veggies like sweet potatoes, and whole forms of non-gluten grains like brown rice or quinoa. 

Engage in strength-training exercises at least 2x per week.

We’re not talking about anything crazy here, but research has shown that doing bodyweight and added weight exercises helps to increase our cell’s sensitivity to insulin. You can click here to find a few of my favorite online strength training workouts to do at home or there are tons of classes at your local gym if you’d rather have some personal instruction and work out with other people. 

Add anti-inflammatory herbs and supplements to your diet.

  • Make sure you are taking a good whole-food vitamin to fill in any nutrient gaps.

  • Supplement with extra vitamin D and magnesium, if needed. Both can help to increase insulin sensitivity. 

  • Cook with turmeric, ginger, and garlic which can all help to lower inflammation levels and they’re delicious! You can also get or make teas with inflammation lowering ingredients, too!

Work with a professional for more support.

While Insulin Resistance can be reversible, it isn’t always easy. It takes concentrated effort and some research, but it is so worth it! If you feel like it’s too overwhelming for you or you would just like personalized support as you make changes to your lifestyle, reach out to someone that can help. This is something that personally I am passionate about and have done a lot of research on, so I would love to work with you one-on-one if you feel you need more support. Click here to schedule a free 30-min initial session with me!

I hope that you have learned something from my story that is encouraging to you and that these tips help you see that there are things you can do to help heal your body! 

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015 - Boost Your Health by Moving Your Body

In this episode, we are continuing to talk about ways to support our health, specifically our emotional and mental health by moving our bodies. Our bodies were designed to move and they just will not function well if we aren’t engaging in regular physical activity.


Hi friends! Today we are continuing to talk about ways to support our health, specifically our emotional and mental health by moving our bodies. 

Our bodies were designed to move! Our bodies will not function well if we aren’t engaging in regular physical activity. You’ve probably heard the tagline “Sitting is the new smoking” and that is because research is starting to show just how detrimental inactivity is to our health. 


Just as a reminder, some of the health benefits to exercise are:

  • Happiness - endorphins / serotonin

  • Mental clarity / increased memory

  • Better sleep / supports natural circadian rhythms

  • Energy boost

  • Reduces stress in the body

  • Reduce overall disease risk

  • Pushes toxins out of the body

  • Increases strength and endurance

  • Supports healthy weight

  • Facilitates Longevity


Everyone seems to have an opinion on which type of exercise is the best or exactly how you should go about it, but there’s not a specific kind of physical activity that is best for everyone. Just like most things, the method or type of exercise that is best for you depends on your specific situation, needs, and preferences. 

There are a few general guidelines, however, that apply to everyone:

  • AMA recommendations - 150 min of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, plus 2 days of strength training / 30 min / 5 days a week is ideal (You can start by doing 10 min x 3 per day).

  • Bodyweight / weighted strength exercises are good! 

    Women have been known to be scared of doing weightlifting or strength-training exercises because they don’t want to get bulky or look like a body-builder. But this is actually not possible without externally altering your hormones or working out so much that you increase natural testosterone production, so this isn’t something we need to fear! 

    Bodyweight strength-training exercises, as well as weighted exercises,  have significant benefits to our health. 

    • Builds bone mass

    • Increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin

    • Helps to prevent and/or manage autoimmune diseases

    • Increases strength and ability to function

  • More is not always better

    • Two-a-day workouts or high-intensity workouts that last more than 1.5-2 hours can do more harm than good. Not only can it increase the risk of injury and fatigue, but it also can lead to sustained high rates of inflammation in the body. This can cause the body to be under too much stress, for too long and will lead to inflammatory issues, like hormone imbalance. 

Most important - choose something that you enjoy!

If you hate exercising, you’re not going to do it, so choose an activity that you enjoy. You can choose to workout in a gym, at home, with a friend, or alone - just whatever you feel works best for you and that you will stick to! 

Evaluate yourself and pinpoint what you need: 

  • Is it to find something you enjoy? Choose a new option to try this week! Accountability? Ask a friend to join you or give them permission to ask you about it.

  • Sit all day at work? Set reminders to get up every hour and walk around for a few minutes - fill up your water bottle or do a few stretches! Even better - be the change and start leading office-wide stretches or a walking group in your department! You never know what kind of impact you can have with just a little suggestion and it will benefit everyone! 

  • Can’t afford a gym membership or don’t want one? Search for quality workouts on youtube (Nourish, Move, Love, is a great resource!) Also, now that the weather is cooler, just get out and go for a walk! 

  • Prefer to have more support? Sign up for a personal trainer to show you exactly how to workout in a way that will help you grow stronger and prevent injury! OR join a fitness class at your local gym! You will be surrounded by others doing that exact same exercises, with the instruction of an instructor! You get both a social connection and a great workout! 

There really are so many options and with a little effort, you can find something that will work for you! 

Well, friends, I hope this episode gave you a little reminder and boost to get up and get moving! It did for me! 

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